Understanding Organisational Behaviour and Leadership

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Introduction to OB

Organisational behaviour is more about individual and team

Human are easy to deceive

Intuition can be wrong

Organisational culture

Definition: It is the shared set of beliefs, expectations, values, norms, and work routines that influence how members of an organization relate to one another and work together to achieve organizational goals.

7 dimension of organizational culture

Innovation/Stability/Respect for people/Outcome orientation/Attention to detail/Team orientation/Aggressiveness

Variability in culture is low than the relationship between outcome and culture is clear

Importance of a strong organisational culture

Organisational identity (like sense of belonging)/Sense-making device/Collective commitment/Social system stability (less conflict)


Shared value/Shared assumption (unconscious)

Artifaces are symbols and indicator of culture

Types of artifact

Symbols/Physical structure/Stories/Language/Rites/Ceremonies


Creating role model of mode to follow

Creating local fame for role model

Creating and maintaining organisational culture

Founder have huge impact on it

His vision

Hire and retain/Indoctrinate and socialize/Role modelling


Employee selection (asa attraction selection attrition)/Aligning artefact/Action of founder and top managers/Organizational socialization

Stage of organisational socialization

Preemployment socialization->Encounter->Role management->Socialization outcomes

Characteristic of an innovative culture

Freedom/Idea time (time to elobrate)/Debates/Risk-taking


Collection of feeling and belief


Attitudes and organisational performance

Affective commitment/Continuance commitment (cost base) Normative commitment

How to maintain commitment


Determinant of job satisfaction

Work itself/Pay/Growth and upward mobility/Supervision/Co-worker/Attitude toward job

Organizational citizenship behaviour (more than they should)

Counterproductive work behaviors

Create satisfaction

Mentally challenging work/Equitable reward/Supportive working condition/Supportive colleagues and supervisors

Introduction to leadership

The process of influencing an organised group and inspires, motivates and direct their activates toward accomplishment group of organisational goals


Deal with complexity/Bring order/Do things right


Co with change/Establish direction/Do the right thing

Leadership use power as mean to attain goal


Legitimate power/Reward power/Coercive power/Expert power/Referent power

Last two power have better performance

Big five personality traits

Open/Extraverted/Conscientious (organised)/Stable/Agreeable

Conscientious all group

Extraversion social interaction

Openness extraversion training


Influence decision/Affect behaviour perception and attitude/Help explain and predict


Think that specific trait can led to better leadership

Seven Traits associated with effective leadership

Drive/Desire to lead/Honesty and integrity/Self-confidence/Intelligence/Job-relevant knowledge/Emotional intelligence

Introduction to motivation

The pursuit of happiness and satisfaction is fundamental to human

Determine the direction and effort and persistence

Unfulfilled need->motivation->behaviors->consequence->feedback

Extrinsic motivation/Intrinsic motivation

Motivation equation making the alignment between employees and organisational goals

Need theory

Maslow hierarchy of need


Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory

First two are motivator

Other Hygiene factor

McClelland’s Needs Theory

Need for achievement/Need for power/Need for affiliation

Motivation theory

Goal Setting theory

Specific and difficult goal/Direction of effort/Intensity of effort/Persistence of effort

SMART goal

Specific/Measurable/Attainable/Result-oriented/Target dates

Leadership theory

People oriented leadership style/Task-oriented leadership style

Three factor interactional framework


Contingency model of leadership

1) Manager trait & behaviour (what he/she does) and 2) situation

Fiedler’s contingency model

Leader trait and behaviour cannot be changed->So pick to right leader and change the situation

LPC scale measure of task of relationship style

Situation favorability (favourable environment for leading)

Leader-member relations/Task structure/Position power

1238 task

4567 relationship

Transactional motivate by clarify (reward expectation)

Transformational inspire (for the good of the organisation) (charisma, inspiration, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration)

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