Understanding Literary Genres, Grammar, and Writing

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Norms and Instructions

Norms are rules established to determine how something or a specific behavior should be.

Highway code regulations or laws contain rules.

Novel Subgenres

Historical, Detective, and Learning Novels

In some novels, the events recounted are fictitious but plausible, i.e., they did not actually occur but could have happened.

  • Detective Novel: Narrates a crime whose author is unknown and the inquiry that leads to the clarification of the case.
  • Historical Novels: Recreate past events.
  • Novels of Apprenticeship: Feature a child or a teenager whose personality is formed throughout the story.

Chivalry, Terror, and Science Fiction

In other novels, the events recounted are unlikely or wonderful, that is, they did not happen or could not happen today in the real world.

  • Tales of Chivalry: Relate the adventures of knights-errant.
  • Novels of Terror: Feature fantastic creatures or supernatural events, causing fear and anguish in the characters.
  • Science Fiction Novels: Tell events that occur in a future world, leading to unexpected conclusions.

Nucleus, Predicate, and Complements

The verb phrase that serves as the predicate in a sentence has a verb as its core.

The core of the verb phrase that acts as a predicate may appear alone or accompanied by phrases:

  • Direct Complement (CD)
  • Indirect Complement (CI)
  • Attribute (At)
  • Predicate Complement (C Pvo)
  • Complement System (C Reg)
  • Agent Complement (C Ag)
  • Adverbial Complement (CC)

The Application Letter

The application letter is a text in which the issuer addresses someone to make a request.

  1. Heading
  2. Body
  3. Farewell

Fairy Tales

Concept of a Story

A story is a brief narrative of imaginary facts featuring a small number of characters and a poorly developed plot.

  • Popular Tales: Are relatively anonymous, of folkloric origin, and transmitted traditionally from generation to generation orally.
  • Literary Tales: Are those invented and written by specific authors and have always been transmitted in writing.

Fantastic Tale

A fantastic tale is one in which the real world is suddenly altered by a supernatural or inexplicable event.

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