Understanding the Electoral Process and Political Parties in Mexico

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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What is an electoral process?

Acts ordered by the Constitution and the law itself, made by the electoral authorities, the national political parties and citizens, which aims the periodic renewal of the members of the Legislative and Executive branches of government.

What is a political party?

Can be considered as any permanent association of people who share the same ideology and seeks to participate in political power or wants to conquer it.

What is the electoral roll?

The electoral roll contains the names of the citizens who made an individual application to the INE, and that fulfill the constitutional and legal requirements, to get a voters card.

How often are deputies, senator and president chosen?

Deputies must be renewed every three years and the Senate and the Presidency of the Republic every six years.

What are the stages of the electoral process, what happens in each one and what are the rules in each one?

  1. Preparation of the election: It starts with the first meeting held by the General Council of the INE and concludes on election day. This is the longest stage of the electoral process, lasting about nine months (From October to July).
  2. Election Day: It starts at 8:00 am and concludes with the closing of the voting booths. It is the day that the vote of citizens is received and is the shortest stage of the electoral process, lasting less than a day.
  3. Results and validity declarations of the election: It begins with the submission of the documents and records concludes with the computations and declarations of the Electoral Councils, where appropriate. This stage lasts just under two months.
  4. Dictum and declarations of validity of the election and of the elected President of the United Mexican States: It begins solving the last impugnation filed against the presidential election and concludes when the Superior Court of the Electoral Tribunal approves the dictum that contains the final calculation and the elected president. This stage takes place every six years when presidential elections are held. (Cofipe Article 210)

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