Understanding Cooperative Principles and Social Balance

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What is the Teaching Co-op?

The teaching co-op is a set of values, principles, and rules governing the behavior and activities within a cooperative organization. It's based on:

  • Equality
  • Freedom
  • Solidarity

Social Responsibility and BS Implementation

BS (Balance Social) is an organization's commitment to improving the quality of life for its employees, their families, and the community. BS is also a tool for monitoring and measuring the organization's compliance with its Social Responsibility.

Concept of a Generic BS

A generic Social Balance is a management tool for planning, managing, organizing, recording, monitoring, and evaluating an organization's social management against pre-established goals.

Concept of Cooperative BS

Cooperative BS is an instrument for cooperatives to measure their mission fulfillment in light of their principles and values. It reveals activities to comply with Social Responsibility.

Organizational Climate and Influencing Factors

Organizational climate refers to the environment and interpersonal relationships within an organization, giving it a unique personality. Main factors include:

  • Organizational policies
  • Nature of policies
  • Institutional relations
  • Nature of work and conditions
  • Human factor and bias

Main Objectives of Social Balance Implementation

The main objectives are:

  • Provide information to different sectors
  • Allow social management planning
  • Agreement between the organization and stakeholders

Cooperative, Social Balance, and Strategic Plan

Social balance is a direct support tool for cooperative management. It emphasizes detecting weaknesses and identifying strengths. BS helps analyze efforts and verify compliance with principles and values, facilitating a strategic plan for continuous improvement.

Balance Profit or Social Applications?

It provides systematic, detailed, and quantitative data on social activities, verifying compliance with social commitments. This information is useful for managers, workers, unions, universities, and the public, aiding in the design and development of information.

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