Understanding Climographs: A Guide to Climate Analysis

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The graphic is a Climograph, a double entry graph that registers the average monthly temperatures through a red line for the scale of degrees centigrade (ºC) on the right; and the total average monthly precipitation by a bars graph in mm* in the scale on the left. According to the usual conventions, both scales are in a 2:1 ratio**, which allows to visualize easier the drier months.

The yearly average annual temperature is ………….. The average monthly temperature belongs to the month of …………….., with approximately ……….. ºC. Such data indicates that, the graphic’s clima is located in the Northern hemisphere, also with a hot/warm summer. The coldest month is ……… with ……….. ºC, which means a mild summer. According to the data, there is a termic width of ………. ºC, quite high, which may indicate that the place is far / close from the coast and the attenuating effect of the sea.

This is a relatively dry clima, with a total of ……… mm annual. Broadly, the precipitation levels and temperatures evolve inversely along the year: the highest temperatures are coincidental with the periods of rain scarcity; and highest precipitation levels with the lowest temperatures. Exceptions? [here, state if any particular month behaves in an exceptional way. Therefore, according to the Köppen classification, this is a Warm Temperate clima, from the Western margins: Mediterranean. With a coldest month average temperature between ……… ºC and ………. ºC. Also, dry summers and the top levels of rain in winter. This is a warm summer, with a highest of ………. ºC in the summer. The ………………………… clima spreads along: the lands that encircle the Mediterranean Sea, the South coast of California, the Central coast of Chile, the South coast of California, Australian South Eastern coast, the Chilean coast in the surroundings of the city of Santiago, and in the Cape Town region. The most significant element of the Mediterranean clima, the rain scarcity is due to the Azores anticyclone, a high-pressure center on the Portuguese islands

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