Types and Features of Artificial Heart Valves

Classified in Biology

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Early & Later Complications of CABG and Valve Replacement/Repair

Radical & Palliative CHD: 1 paper

Small Patch:
  • Surgery MS
  • Peculiarities of Complex Heart Surgery
  • (+/−) Valve Replacement
  • Surgery ASD/VSD
  • Aortic Valve Surgery
  • Surgical Coronary Revascularization
  • Heart Assist
  • Ind IHD Surgery
  • V-A Extra (ECMO)
  • Intrabdominal Balloon
  • Blood Pump
  • Heart Transplant

Large Patch:

  • Heart Surgery Complications (2 W CABG + Valves)
  • Aortic Aneurysm Surgery
  • Fallot
  • Ind Pericardial Biopsy Drainage
  • Aortic Coarctation
  • Cardiac Tumors
  • Congenital Heart Disease
  • Cardiac Pulmonary Bypass
  • Mitral Regurgitation Surgery


I=Antiembolic IVC Filters + Autogenous Vein (+/−) + Ind for Aorta Reconstruction
II-Indication PAD Invasive + Indication DVT Invasive!!
III-Non-Rupture Abdominal Aorta + (Thrombectomy Embolectomy)
IV-Medicine Tx of PAD
V-Concept (Acute-Critical Limb Ischemia-DVT-AAA)
Aortic Dissection


  • HBP
  • Aortic Atherosclerosis
  • CT Disease
  • Congenital Cardiac Abnormalities
  • Aortic Coarctation
  • Cardiac Tumors
  • Congenital Heart Disease
  • Cardiac Pulmonary Bypass
  • Mitral Regurgitation Surgery


  • DeBakey
  • Stanford

Types and Features of Artificial Heart Valves

  • Mechanical
  • Bioprosthetic Valve
    • Bileaflet
    • Tilting Disc
    • Caged Ball Valves
    • Stented
    • Stainless: Xenograft/Homograft


  • 65(−) YO
  • Hyperparathyroidism
  • ↑Risk of Reoperation
  • Pts Who Use AnC
  • 65(+)−70YO
  • Contraindication AnC
  • Inability to Adhere to AnC
  • Reoperation for Mechanical Valve
  • Future Pregnancy
  • Biological Valves are Better Hemodynamic than Mechanical

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