True Airspeed ()

Classified in English

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1-Ritesh Agarwal got the idea to start his own business à when he couldn’t enter his flat one night

2-Mr Agarwal’s Company à improves hotels and gives them its brand.

3-The beginning of Oyo Rooms was difficult because à few people thought this business had a future.

4-Which sentence is NOT true? In his first hotel, Mr Agarwal à had a team of people to work for him

5-The investors were convinced à when they compared an Oyo hotel to other, unimproved ones

6-Mr Agarwal admits that à his experiences with good people exceeded the bad ones.

7-At present, Mr Agarwal à hopes to expand in India thanks to the wider use of the internet.

8-His advice to other people is to start a business young because à if you fail, what you learn will be useful for your next attempt.


1-Where did the idea of building for a better world come from? À It is an evolution from his interest in green architecture

2-What is the difference between green architecture and Mr Zicari’s idea of architecture? À Green architecture cares for the environment and his architecture tries to improve it.

3-What is the most important part of a project for Mr Zicari? À The person’s well being

4-What did Mr Zicari worry about when he started the project? À He wanted to give something back to the environment.

5-Which of these sentences is NOT correct? À All the buildings in the project are complete

6-Which of these things about green architecture is NOT mentioned in the text? À Green façades

7-Which are the most important things in the 20/20 Park Project? À Quality and beauty.

8-What is Mr Zicari’s ultimate goal? À To try to change the world a little bit.

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