The Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations

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The Treaty of Versailles

1.The Treaty of Versailles consisted of the signing of an agreement between the partner countries after the 1st war, and also involved international agreements on the guilt of the war and the economic compensation to face. In the treaty involved the payment of compensation and war reparations from the defeated countries to the winning countries. Prohibition of rearmament to Germany; loss of territory and colonies that remained under the dominion of the winning countries or the League of Nations.

The treaty held that Germany was to blame for having started the war for it is the country that will have the political responsibility to correct what happened in the war through indemnities and territories.

The League of Nations

2. The League of Nations was an association of 42 countries after the first war that aimed to establish international agreements to preserve peace in an effort to avoid another war.

In this league were excluded Germany and the United States two factors that implied a weakness in the future in this league.

He had two border disputes the occupation of the Ruhr (Germany x France) to claim war reparations such military actions were prohibited in the league agreements, however, being France a winning power could impose its conditions. This was a sign of weakness on the part of the League since it does not preserve the peace and the agreements were ignored. And also the invasion of Manchuria by Japan from China, the league claimed Japan but it withdrew from the agreement, which evidenced the lack of authority in the league

No, it was not successful for all the points mentioned above

The Impact of the Treaty of Versailles

3.a The Treaty of Versailles to imply the cost of war reparations, the loss of territories modified the world stage, the conditions that were imposed were very painful for Germany. Although the League created under the Treaty of Versailles wanted to impose Peace, the truth is that failure, a fundamental reason for this failure is the policy of appeasement created by Chamberlain and implies the idea that some different countries had to be reconciled and accepted to support La Paz, in turn, this cannot contain Hitler's plans which sustained a violation of the Versailles agreements promoting military rearmament and annexations such as Czechoslovakia among others.
3.b After the first war Germany suffered a deep political and economic crisis, the Weimar Republic faced these problems once the war ended assuming as valid the fundamental points of the Treaty of Versailles trying to solve, if successful, an economic crisis in which the Inflation was one of the greatest in history, to these economic problems were added the crisis of 29 that affects Germany, this brings up a strong political position

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