Travel Analysis and Modeling Quiz

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Quiz #5

1.) Provide three characteristics of Independent Variables?

Related to land use type-project-able-produces rate with the best fit of data

2.) What is the Time Period for travel Analysis? Provide examples.

Combination of site generated traffic and adjacent street traffic at its max.

weekday, mid-day, am/pm peak period.

3.) What is R2 in Regression analysis of travel data?

A statistical measure of how close data fits the regression line.

4.) List the four Types of Information that determine the requirements for Site Access in a new development.

Zoning changes-land use changes-ITE Trip generation data- offsite trsp improvement

5.) From what you have learned about development data, discuss why Age-Restricted Housing or Town Center developments may have different design and planning criteria than other types of developments.

Both of these forms of hosing are detached or isolated from a common community living area.

Quiz #6

1.) In trip generation modeling, trips attracted are a function of ___________. Circle all applicable option(s)

a. Jobs b. Land use, Square feet of space by type, Occupancy rate, Employment and other

2.) What are the three trip-types in 4-step modeling?

Home Based work, Home Based Other, Non Home Based

3.) In trip generation modeling, trips produced are a function of: (B)housing units, household size, age, income, accessibility, vehicle ownership, Population

4.) In trip generation modeling, trips per dwelling unit is Disaggregate data.

5.) In trip generation modeling, trips per zone is Aggregate data.

6.) What are the three assumptions necessary to have to be true when using trip generation modeling for analysis and forecasting to be accurate?

stable relationships over time, linearity, forecasted independent variables

7.) Name six possible independent variables in trip generation modeling.

Car Ownership, Income, HH Size, Density, # of employees, # of licensed drivers.

8.) Which of the following is among the components of trip generation model? Circle ABCD

9.) What are the trip distribution inputs?

Trip Generation & Path Skimming

11.) What are the most common inputs in mode-choice / mode split step of travel modeling?

Transit Person Trips, HBW Auto table / NHB Auto table

12.) The term “mode split” is used instead of “mode choice” because often there is no choice in the decision of which mode to use. Provide two examples of when this is the case

Zero car household has no choice but to use transit, carpool or walk.

if there is no transit service, auto trip may be only alternative.

13.) Captive Riders don’t have a choice. Therefore, the characteristics or the level of service offered (L.O.S.) do not matter. True

14.) Which of the following characteristics affect mode split?


15.) In the travel forecasting sequence the modal split happens before trip distribution for Captive Riders and after trip distribution for mode-choice riders. False

16. What are the inputs for traffic assignment?


17. What is the output(s) of traffic assignment?

travel volumes, traffic flows

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