The Stories of Eva Luna

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Stories of Eva Luna

INTRODUCTION: Although not necessarily a sequel to Eva Luna characters in these stories taken up the blockbuster novel to offer a broader view of the author's literary universe. Belonging to a later generation called Latin American boom, Isabel Allende is based on the so-called magical realism mixed with clear references to the political and historical situation of the continent. Here dictators parade, farmers, and women-lovers with a vocation for the inevitable feminist breathing air along the reading-however, the author manages to develop characters beyond what is traditionally read in the story. Their stories are surprising for their elaborate decision-consistent and logical with a touch of magic and mystery.

Two words

Belisa Crepusculario is the name of the player who devotes his life to sell words. Wandering nature, Belisa ran extensive ways of conveying news or provide services to those who need. There were even those who waited patiently and paid a nickel to hear a few verses from memory, or nine to write letters of love, or twelve to learn novel insults dedicated foes. I also knew stories inspired by his travels. Everyone knew who had died, that wedding took place recently or the details of the civil war.

Furthermore, if the fee for their services went beyond the fifty cents, Belisa gave away a secret to the client who was certain that this word only belonged to him and nothing more to it.

He was born in a miserable, cruel desert that took upon itself four younger siblings. Aware that she could be the next fled the scene, a chance meeting with a newspaper change its destiny. Upon learning of the content of those neat words, he realized the power of the same and could be traded. With their savings to pay him a priest to teach him to read and write, he bought a dictionary to read it completely and then jumped overboard and did not want to cheat their customers with packaged words.

One day justice arguments Belisa sold when a group of riders broke into the square. The men obeyed the orders of Colonel who in turn dealt with the civil war. Men came by Belisa on direct orders from his boss. Belisa was how he met the most feared man in the country.

The Colonel wanted to find a woman whose fame had reached his ears to help him in his purpose of being president of the nation. When Belisa came before he knew he was facing a lonely and sad.

The Colonel was tired of being so afraid and wanted him to write a speech Belisa convincing enough to realize his dream and win the presidency by popular vote and not by force as hitherto used. Belisa went to work meticulously and classify waste words, once the work started to read it several times to the Colonel to learn what they could not read. All were moved by the speech of Belisa and Colonel was convinced that truly served. When the time of reckoning, Belisa offered two words that rightly deserve to pay. The colonel was not interested in those words but happy at the outcome was paid to hear. One attraction hinted Belisa materialized when he leaned over and whispered two words.

The whole country was run by Colonel who said over and over again the same speech to people, and two words for himself. However, as time passed, the colonel's health was strangely diminished, he looked tired and oblivious. An aide to colonel asked the reason for their reluctance and he was told that was the work of those two words. Nothing could be done because those words only belonged to him, so that was sent to bring back rid Belisa to the charm.

Everyone was speechless when that girl was reintroduced to the colonel who changed his expression of anger by a more human. Belisa took his hand then both carefully observed, the most feared man in the country was let go, docile, that girl.

Wicked girl

A girl of twelve years, malnourished puppy named Elena Mejías lurked a budding passion. His mother, who kept her busy time to serve their tenants, had no time to realize that her daughter was transformed into a different being. Back began to be quiet and shy girl that affects thumb sucking.

One day there came a pleasant-looking man named Juan Jose Bernal who called himself himself The Nightingale. Since his arrival, things began to change in the pension. Elena's mother rented out their rooms to good people, students, employees etc. Nothing happened at home without her realizing precisely by Helena, the daughter, almost imperceptible to others, know the safest way to sneak through the halls without being seen. Every detail was well known to suspect the mother because Elena kept abreast of everything. Who spoke by telephone, who received visits, etc..

Elena's mother was still young and certainly had forgotten herself, her character did not allow strict help or vagrants vague and liked to keep a tight rein on their pensions. Until the arrival of the nightingale. Juan Jose Bernal came to break all the pension schemes. Elena's mother was seduced by the understatedion of Nightingale. A poster that represented him as a bohemian troubadour he attracted wide attention. Elena was extremely surprised because his mother accepted the pension without cover or a requirement of demanding. Juan Jose did not cover the deposit, took two showers a day, she told a vegetarian and, as an artist, asked him to respect his habit of sleeping during the day because she worked at night. Elena noticed a subtle change in his mother noticing their sweaty buttocks that transparency through her apron. The change was most evident as the mother began to use perfume, lipstick, new underwear and so on.

One Sunday afternoon as the heat precluded doing anything, Nightingale appeared in the yard with his guitar and started singing. All guests gathered around her, the daughter went to the mother who graciously withdrew. Helena soon found herself drawn to The Nightingale who, without having a wonderful voice, he created a party atmosphere like never before given in the pension.

The girl came slowly at puberty, he soon finds himself in the clothes eroticized object of desire. I knew the hours that Juan Jose was away and took advantage of his absence to lie in bed indulging their dreams and desires.

One day, Ellen realized that her mother and Juan Jose maintained a relationship that went beyond the course so now decided to spy on his mother.

One night when returning from the room Elena Juan José, heard noises in the room of his mother, knowing all the shortcuts to go unnoticed, into the room and found the couple frolicking between the sheets. Elena found the body of his mother and expression never before seen, that adorned thought that this same expression would have it herself.

Shortly thereafter, the mother spoke to her daughter menstrual issues, but the princess is not thought that would happen to her. Shortly Sintior discomfort until one day out of their classes between dizzy and confused. On the way home remembered that his mother was in the market and judging by the hour, it was possible to find single to Juan Jose. On reaching her room, waiting for his eyes adjusted to the dark and show her body rested on the young. Little by little he was approaching him gently kisses him and expects a response. The nightingale flew into the senses and laid the little body on her knees, a moment of doubt and to react when they found little seductive, while forcefully threw it reproached him: Wicked, wicked girl.

Elena was admitted into a convent school, her mother married her lover and together they ran the board. Despite the passing years, the image of the girl was shot in the mind and senses of Juan Jose who soon became obsessed with the memory. He loved to spy on and buy clothes schoolgirls pubescent with caressing her body. Twenty-seven years to meet Elena visited his mother and stepfather. To the surprise of the latter, the young woman had forgotten all that morning.


Clarissa was a healer who was born when there was still no electricity so he lived all the scientific advances and achieved fame after his holy death. His ability to astonish healer more than one and his compassion for the poor notable because it followed all their belongings when encountering them. He lived in a dilapidated mansion where her husband had existed, a judge died 40 years ago and whom the echoes of his voice but could still listen Clarisse. The narrator tells us that Clarissa and the judge had two children whose delay does not diminish his obvious love for them and it instead was a factor for the judge to withdraw from the world and is locked in a room forever until death.

One night a robber who visited the elderly, to the surprise of the gangster, was not impressed and even before that, offered all the money he had and tea and biscuits for the night. The thief and the woman became friends because he told him about the misfortunes that was passing and she reassured him writing it down in its list of protected. During the following years, the thief sent a gift to his old protector until his death.

Clarisa had all sorts of friends actually knew people from certain power to those who sought help for his proteges.

Over time-and despite her husband have already isolated from the world-Clarisa still had two more children born without any problems and helped the mother with her first two offspring.

Over the years, Clarisa managed to keep her four children and also people who depended on it. Already old, learned that the pope visited the city, which injected new vigor to see him in person as deeply distrusted television.

Back home, Clarisse told him that her husband was dying to what the judge repeated that he was not to be disturbed. A woman helped the narrator to wait calmly Clarisa death. He witnessed the endless visits to the old woman received one of the robber that he invited them to dinner and saw the only confession he did: he had refused to fulfill their conjugal duties. It was the confession that the narrator was enough to notice that a man of rank who came to say goodbye to her, had the same gestures and demeanor that his last two children. Clarisa died that night.

Boca de sapo

Everything happens in the south and everybody is doing badly. Hermelinda, is the woman who offers comfort to all. He had chosen this profession because he liked nearly all men in general and many in particular. Nobody left disappointed with his hugs and caresses. The workers and employees loved her for her good humor and good will as often, he was seen making chicken broth or sewing socks. All the needs of those sad and hopeless men were rewarded for the care and attention of Hermelinda who also contrived to make intercourse, a kind of childish game whose range was capable of delighting even the most extreme tastes. One of those games, known as the toad was kind of hopscotch-effective rewarded with two hours Hermelinda. As always, peacefully is threatened with the emergence of a new character, Paul, who to everyone's surprise, he won the two-hour Hermelinda in leapfrog. Many suspected that the hostess had helped in some way overseas because he liked from the beginning. Given the excitement and celebration of all, Paul and Hermelinda penetrated into the apartments of the second to leave in two hours but not until the following day.

Paul had come south motivated by rumors that woman can make happy any man under any circumstances. He had decided to meet under any price and now stood with her. Convinced that it was not worth learning this wonderful woman and then leave, he planned a way to stay with her. When the couple came out, all witnessed and without a word, but with an eternal smile on Hermelinda, mounted their horses and left there. Several games were set in place to combat the boredom of the workers, games that were never used.

The Gold of Tomas Vargas

Tomas Vargas was a mean man, greedy, womanizing party guy and could not be more. His wife, Antonia Sierra, was younger but her body had been squandered by many births and abortions. All the people of Agua Santa violent than feared by the store owner, an Arab name and the teacher Riad Halabi Agnes. Antonia Sierra had endured all the humiliation that her husband was able to provideEven having to get a concubine named Concha Diaz who came to town with a full belly and heart be broken by the seducer. At first Antonia refused to such disrepute but over time came to have compassion for the frightened Concha. As the pregnancy progressed and the skeleton of the mother became more evident, Antonia tried to help the Turkish-supported in Riyadh and the teacher Ines to make a success of her pregnancy. On the day of delivery, Tom pretended drunker than usual and avoid digging up the treasure which boasted both. The Turkish Antonia and Concha helped by what the baby was named after her. A few days later, Thomas was ready to demand that Shell company when it was intercepted by Antonia who for the first time in his life he opposed her husband made his whim. Shell seconded the indignation of his protector by what Thomas felt it was launching a disadvantage and blasphemies against women.

So the impending alliance between his wife and concubine, Thomas sought to found a new interest in gambling.

The misery at home increased as Thomas was more daring and the desire to gain wealth at once.

Thomas was faced with a lieutenant and won. He demanded a rematch that the bet had only increased. Thomas lost this time. Pale and exhausted all the people led to the place where he kept his treasure. Not found. Lt. Thomas began to beat but this was protected by Turkish ground that nothing was resolved with blows. Neither Shell nor Antonia felt sorry for the man who returned defeated and miserable. Shortly after he dared to leave home and never returned because he was killed with machetes in the place where it should have found the treasure. Women started a food business and soon disappeared suffering.

If you touch me heart

Amadeo Peralta belongsía a family of thieves who were led by his own father. However, with changes in the political system thought that the patriarch had to adapt to new times and she urged her children to get married maidens tried to clean the battered reputation of the family name. Amadeo was an inveterate womanizer who does not like the idea. Parade as a lady who took it, fearing to remain single.

Weeks before the wedding, Amadeo met a girl playing the harp. It was easy for him to seduce her and leave however, she appeared later on with the fever of love. Amadeo had no qualms and decided to enclose it, thinking to do with it. In the beginning was in the basement with her and then to satisfy his instincts again left her alone in the dark. And so the years passed. For a long forgotten one day he found dying so he hired an Indian to clean your room and be on the lookout for it. Amadeo doubled the inheritance from his father and soon was the most powerful chieftain in the area. And so time passed.

The legends multiplied, some children said they had found a place-owned by Amadeus, which undoubtedly was the gate of hell for the strange noises were heard there. The police arrived and that was when the rumors and legends gained credibility. A human wreck reminiscent of a woman had lived all his life locked up because of Amadeo Peralta. The indifference turned to anger at what everyone wanted to help Daisy and plunge the chief despot. Amadeo ended up in jail. Hortense was attended by nuns and-after getting used to the light and other human beings-was headed to jail to play the psaltery who rarely left her without food. Amadeo soon, before this persistent claim was abandoned in the darkness and misery.

Gift for a girlfriend

Fortunato II inherited the circus that his father could barely lift off the ground. However, the stem was working for business, soon, not just sack him but later upgraded it and took over large areas with great success.

The entrepreneur married a trapeze artist who bore him a son, Horace. Soon the woman she wanted to become independent so do not hesitate to leave husband and son. Fortunato II remarried only to find themselves once again without a woman at his side. Horace grew up with the feeling of being left by mother and stepmother. Already in full maturity, Fortunato II returned to marry a Swiss woman who struggled hard to convince him not to leave the circus and take a quiet life in the Alps. The young Horace was then head of the company.

Hilary had always worked in the circus, knew the business and soon expanded the vision of father and grandfather. Buy some sands and invested in boxing and fighting. He learned to live with luxuries and always get what he wanted. Distrust naturally shunned marriage and pulling his grandfather Fortunato mad when he claimed him heir to the company.

Everything changed the day he met Horacio Patricia Zimmerman. He was in a restaurant when notifor, the arm of her husband, a Jewish forties wearing jewelry that her husband sold. He fell suddenly and began to conquer at all costs. He began sending flowers whose fate was invariably the trash, then started showing up everywhere that the fine lady frequents cafes, opera, shopping centers and so on. Ms. Zimmerman find no way to make him unconscious understanding that he would not keep losing more time and money as a lady of her height does not it ever be fixed. But Horace did not give up so much so that some day he sent her expensive jewelry bought in stores of the husband. The lady had to return the jewel to the senders before rejected. Horacio first felt disappointed and even remembered my grandfather rarely asked to talk to him long distance. After listening to the misfortune, the elder Fortunato suggested to her grandson that gives you the lady in question something that does not have. A good reason to laugh. The next day, a young woman came to the shop of Mr. Zimmerman to return the jewel that a day earlier, had acquired a kind of the most vulgar and petulant. After telling a story learned, she not only was able to return the jewel but got a dinner invitation from the owner of the jewelry.

The following week, a blushing Mr. Zimmerman told him the lady who was going to an auction of jewels.

Alone and with an endless headache, Patricia Zimmerman was taken away from everything familiar, when he went to investigate a noise and saw a brief but intense circus and Horatio in the center of everything. The lady laughed and threw in their encounter.


Maurizia Rugieri had learned to play the piano with his father and ten years and was giving recitals. Despite the praise, Maurizia surprised everyone by exclaiming his desire to become a singer. His father hired a strict teacher who failed to quell his desire. But his voice change during adolescence so unattractive so had to change plans. Married 19 years with Ezio Longo untitled architect who had proposed an empire of cement and steel. The couple soon had a son Ezio however suspected that a catastrophe would ruin his happiness. This disaster was none other than a medical student who ran into the truck Maurizia. Leonardo Gomez was distracted while he whistled a fragment of Tosca for the arts greatly admired Bel Canto.

Soon, Maurizia and Leonardo lived a chaste love represented in Carmen, Aida, or any other work. She wanted to eat more not take the initiative. He in turn, respect the status of the wife of his desire.

His meetings on board the tram, but may have been immortalized not for that one idle with the news he was to Ezio who was immediately surprised by the new. Soon, he found the happy couple and, after lifting into the air and throwing his opponent, took his wife to shut her up and ask him to see reason. Ezio also asked time and understanding but seeing results infertile, gave freedom to return to his beloved on condition of renouncing to see his son. Maurizia prepare his things and was not without leave of his son and her emaciated husband. When I reach the building where Leonardo lived, he found he had gone to a village to practice. It was installed and dedicated himself to crawl to find him. Their adventure leads her to lose their belongings and walk areas that tested his mettle and decisiveion. When he arrived with his beloved, in the midst of the jungle and installed in a camp, "was presented as the wife of Dr. Gomez. Ten years later, the couple was known as Mario and Tosca and dedication to spreading the arts, especially opera, in those remote regions. Her passionate performances were famous for. It was a few years until death surprised the doctor. Everyone thought that the widow would be able to make some tragic event as he had represented as taking turns not leave her alone.

Maurizia overcame the loss and kept the legacy of his mistress in the memory of the people.

That same year, the news that he would build a highway ran through the village. Ezio Longo and son was the name of the company, on hearing of this, Maurizia locked herself in her room, hoping not to meet its past. 28 years and his departure did not see his son. The weight of that fact I finally beat her so he grabbed an umbrella and went into their meeting. He found them in a tavern. He almost convinced to go to them that the true hero of his life was always his love Ezio and foolproof. Playfulness between father and son which she feels excluded, to the shadows and back home.


Walimai tells the story of how her parents met. At that time there was a shortage of females so that the father had to go elsewhere to find a wife. Then to find under a tree and having paid work to his future father-Walimai parents settled in somewhere in the jungle. The protagonist recalls that almost never saw the sun except when a tree fell leaving a hole in the sky. Walimai is single and also a hunter. His family is large but has retained the pride worthy of his lineage. It tells of the arrival of the pale men and their reasons to hate. They hunted with gunpowder, no skill or courage, did not dress for air, were dirty and so on. These men wanted the land and precious stones. Each of them was like a wind of disaster. The inevitable confrontation occurred. The natives were interned in the jungle as they had heard that these whites were extremely vindictive and for every drop you, they returned with more weapons and men and destroyed the village. Walimai was captured and taken to work with the rubber. In this place he met a young Walimai same as for the deplorable conditions in which he lived, died in his arms.

The hunter felt the soul of the young man entered his soul. After place the body and light a bonfire, Walimai drove away convinced that the ritual should be doing, so that the spirit of the young find rest. More plunged into the forest, we assume that the jungle has left behind-and then Walimai came into contact with the soul he kept inside. Walimai and the woman talked their lives, he began his fast to help the souls of others to start their journey to the afterlife. She says that in one night, the soul went out and walked back through but to not feel ready yet. Finally the soul departed. Walimai felt sad and lends itself to hunt for not returning to his tribe with nothing.

Esther Lucero

A doctor who participated in a revolutionary group was fascinated by the image of a girl named Esther Lucero. Moved and persuaded to have been deluded by the senses more than was paid for her. When found he befriended-ymEddic-of the child. Their friendship was flawless over her conscience reproached her fixing a girl outside their senses. Angel Sanchez witnessed the slow but gradual transformation of Esther Lucero. Ignore the neighbors who saw strange that the hospital director was interested in talking with this old woman and her granddaughter, but he exercised complete control over himself he never cared to raise suspicions of his ardent and repressed desire. One afternoon, the doctor received the wounded body of the girl. Desperate, he tries in vain to save her and once you exhaust all resources decided to find some plants that a sorcerer from one tribe after saving gave miraculously life of a friend.

Dr. Angel Sanchez back with the sick and to the surprise of his grandmother and nurse on duty, and danced a strange dance unto the body of plants, twelve hours later, Ester Lucero had fun with Uncle Angel returning to dance to their around as a second part of treatment.

Over the years, Ester Lucero married and moved to another city, occasionally writes to his uncle who saw his prestige increased remarkably. An expedition was to search for more herbal remedies but to no avail.

Maria la boba

A prostitute named Mary Boba wore his age and profession with dignity, even she imagined the legend that had built itself.

He decided to die. She painted her lips and told his companions his immediate destination. Mary took chocolate in large quantities and when all were awakened no longer taken seriously by Mary Case. During the vigil, and snippets of talks with the audience, assembled the story of Mary.

The daughter of Spanish immigrants, Mary had been wady a child by a train that had left her in a kind of primitive state of innocence and futility. Over the years, parents arranged the marriage of his daughter with an mEddic older who could not refuse to marry the daughter of its lenders slows. That girl came to the marriage bed without any sense of reasoning, attention or rancor. Mary became pregnant with the old man who died shortly after a lightning strike. Mary spent the next years of mourning even though she had forgotten her husband. But his body had matured and soon Mary was carefully observe men. His parents, shocked, decided to send her to Spain by boat along with his son and a maid. During the trip, Mary lost her son in an accident. He howled in pain and bewilderment. When he came on deck, was named by a sailor who helped Mary to tell the difference between an old lover and a strong and vigorous. Mary was given to the pleasures free from all uncleanness or prejudice. I enjoyed discovering their potential and no doubt when the sailor suggested flee the ship in a boat. Once installed on a port, the sailor soonor in bored and frightened by the attitudes of that widow missing and strange. He left. Mary waited for weeks until the desire of the bones in it emerged again. Consolation came out and asked the first man he encountered. He, astonished by such ardent creature, came out to tell the people leave but not before Mary a ticket in his bed. Thus was born the reputation of Mary. The name tattooed sailors roamed the seas and counting their meetings. His unforgettable encounters. Mary left after a few years to the capital. All had built a legend around it. He returned and gave the men who represented the image of Mary with a lover. Image that Mary enjoyed. Mary aged but not his talent for loving a man. Many were disappointed to find there an old but those who remained, came in awe of her. Mary always maintained the hope of returning to meet her sailor, I look at everyone and everyone was pleased as if he had found. Until, tired of waiting, he resorted to the chocolate pot.

The most forgotten of the forgotten

Two lovers locked them are lost among the names of the companions betrayed, and the promise that the dream is ending.

The Little Heidelberg

The Little Heidelberg is the name of a ballroom where a couple became famous for two reasons: its perfection when dance because they both knew in advance the next step of the couple, who never exchanged a word. The girl's Eloisa, who was the oldest parishioner of the place-and the Captain were the sensational couple. Certain Saturday, and took the arrival of some tourists, the captain spoke first and asked the girl to marry Heloise. The woman agreed excited. They danced in the living room that broke party. But slowly, the girl vanished Heloise in the arms of the Captain, who was still dancing as an illusion kept alive lost. La Mexicana, another denizen of the place, dancing with the Captain for not waking the past.

The judge's wife

A man carries his destiny marked from birth. Dying from a woman, hence, Nicolas Vidal always avoided relationships beyond the ephemeral. Casilda was a frail woman, unremarkable, apart from being the wife of reason to judge that Nicholas drop her as a potential deadly encounter. Judge Hill and his wife came to town and to the surprise of all settled in the place warm and unattractive. The judge softened his performance which many attributed to his wife and children unnoticed.

Nicolas Vidal was the son of a prostitute who did not want. In vain I try to eject it but on seeing newborn fledged four teats and learned that her son lost his life by a woman. That prediction Nicholas weighed in the rest of his life. Then had to remove amorous desires towards women and before long, his reputation for shrewd robber walked the end of the village.

Judge Hidalgo había tried in vain to catch him, no help was sufficient for Nicholas knew thoroughly the entire region. The judge then arrested Juana the sad, the mother of Nicholas and locked in place with a vase of water. The judge had determined to catch the thief at all costs. At the end of the water, the woman began to scream of desperation and your child will be my prisoner when trying to rescue his mother. The judge thought this way but Nicole thought of another. Upon receiving news that his mother was dying for lack of water, the men were surprised Nicholas that his boss did not show any hurry to rescue his mother. For Nicholas it was a matter of honor and show he had more balls than the judge.

The woman was dying and requested to suspend the punishment but the judge remained unrestricted. Then he went to Dona Casilda who was aware of the fact that three days before the date it came happening. The judge had to give up when he heardor the protests of their children together with those of the people. Nicholas was proud of his success. But the next morning, his triumph turned into bitter pill after learning his mother had hanged herself in the brothel where they always work. Furious, I declare that the days of the judge were numbered. The judge and his family but had gone on vacation. Nicholas learned of the fate and dashed after them. Along the way, Judge Hill died suddenly. Casilda put their children safe and prepared to entertain as much as possible to assure banda Nicholas to escape. However, only one man came to the meeting. After Nicolas found that he could do nothing as against the judge carefully considered the woman who challenged him with his eyes. Casilda showed off all his powers of seduction in order to retain the bandit for the moment forgot the existence of children. Then the man unaccustomed to the special treatment by a woman, she gave the same intensity received. When the distance we could see that soldiers came to arrest in order to Nicholas, Casilda even asked him to flee, surrender most preferred man in his arms again fulfilling the prophecy that much feared in life.

A road to the north

Dionisio Jesus and his granddaughter Carnations began a long march to the capital with. Along the way, the holy old sculptor recalls the day her son came with a baby military saying it was his daughter and not knowing the whereabouts of the mother. Carnation was raised by his grandparents and even possessed indomitable character, helping her grandmother in household chores and Grandpa in their production of saints. Any change from the day he was buried the wife of Jesus Dionisio: Amparo Medina. Faced with the inevitable loss, he began to drink and changed its work by a darker style, the house was deteriorating, the animals were killed one by one, and soon were living in extreme poverty. Carnations went to work out for a while and came back expecting a child. The grandfather had fallen into the most decadent of its existence. The arrival of the son of Carnations changed the air in the environment. The grandfather left the drink and named his grandson with the name JohnHowever, the strange attitude of the child eventually made them suspicious. After some medical tests that diagnosed Carnation child was deaf and therefore will be mute. Dionisio Jesus was not surprised and ordered Juan educate themselves. John Picero grew up with a close bond with her grandfather and learned to fend for himself despite his absence, got seven years, was denied entry to school, prompting outrage in his great grandfather full. The ailing old man comforted her granddaughter saying that they will take care to teach John a job in life.

At that time arrived some volunteers Dermoth lady whose job was to locate sick children to offer them for adoption to wealthy families in the north under consent of the relatives of the infant. The great-grandfather flatly refused to give in adoption to John. The volunteers insisted he stressed the factor of John as deafness there in the north, had hospitals that probably would correct the evil. Dionisio Jesus did not change his mind. Past day, Carnation was surprised several times by observing the pamphlets they left.

Carnations were found, out of sight of his grandfather, several times with young volunteers. In the last encounter taught him a photo of a nice couple interested in adopting John and also offered him two hundred and fifty U.S. dollars in aid. Carnations were compared on several occasions his miserable room with the luxuries of the brochures. And then I take the absence of Jesus Dionisio to dress your child in their best clothes and with signs that explain everything to them for you. The grandfather angered at the news and accused his granddaughter to take blood from a bad mother who abandons her kids. There are redirected until the word was heard on the radio of a gang that tricked parents in extreme poverty which offered money or help for their children and were involved in organ trafficking. Dionisio Jesus and his granddaughter Carnations are in the capital to ask if her granddaughter could be some of his victims.

The guest teacher

The teacher Agnes could only trust his friend, the Arab Riad Halabi, in a situation of extreme importance. After all, their friendship goes back years and was the Arab who helped the day Agnes killed his only son, and was the Arab who suggested putting a board in his house. Riad why did not hesitate a moment when the teacher Ines announced in his tent that had killed a guest. By going to the scene to Turkish Ines confesses that she always knew that sooner or later would see the murderer of his son. Riad Agnes helped to dispose of the body without a trace of the murder. Agnes was a teacher loved by everyone for his unquestionable support for the disadvantaged. All felt that something should be the ability to read or memory filled stomach in the days that were normally not how to fill it. All owed something and that everyone could help with anything.

With all due respect

A couple of scoundrels, "an arms dealer and counterfeit whiskey and a runaway from home with a handful of diamonds, look for ways to get rich without working. Toro and Abigail McGovern Sunday live from cheating businesses or individuals, his wit is sharpened by their expectations. As his fraudulent lifestyle increases, Abigail necessary to convince others that their wealth is family and surname change Dominic's last name because nobody Toro. However, Sunday held in check because his wife was fond of disappearing when she insisted that he believed "things and is one of them was useless. His business prospered but Abigail was still unsatisfied, the realization that money does not imply that accepted in the society by surprise. The couple discusses the dissatisfaction of Abigail who announced it was buying horses for only the highest class has access to them. Domingo was opposed but for the first time, she was persuaded by his wife. The idea was good and soon began to hobnob with wealthy families of farmers. But as weIan without getting on the social pages Abigail still feeling hollow. He became more flamboyant and bizarre. Its annual festival of traditional costumes became more and more famous for their extravagance. Students often protested by the attitude of the Toros against the paltry increase. A Sunday afternoon received a call advising him that Abigail was abducted. It was then that Abigail's dream came true: the news of the kidnapping of the wife of tycoon bargains made headlines a day, read about the constant increase in the reward required by an extremist group previously unknown-to awarding the crime. The drama continued until a few days-just when the attention began to drift-Abigail appeared unharmed and Sunday who said no amount paid because his wife was priceless. The rumor that the sum was exorbitant stunned the entire upper class of the region. There were protests by students who claimed an self-kidnapping undoubtedly pay off in taxes and so forth. Nobody paid any attention since some decades later, the Sunday-McGovern are among the country's most respected families.

Endless life

The inseparable pair of Ana and Roberto Blaum, kept her company for 50 years continuously is, never separated. When they met he was a young aspiring physician and she a violinist full of candor and innocence. It was music that brought them together. Arriving war, Blaum had to migrate by their non-Aryan roots and came to another continent to be established. Dr. Blaum skills soon gave notoriety not only for his extraordinary medical skills but for their genuine altruism to ply their trade. Furthermore, Dr. Blaum is noted for his essays in favor of a dignified death and necessary. Some people attacked a supporter of euthanasia, and others as racist and sick. The truth is that the aged Blaum being admired and loved by all.

The narrator tells the story of how knows how to Blaum-an emergency that certainly is solved by the aforementioned, and his growing friendship with them. As the couple had no children, Blaum treated the narrator as a child came to him so when the doctor asked him to get a place away from the press and the crowds he needed time to write another book. The fame of the doctor had risen and his polemical books made him famous and was often visited by patients, journalists, colleagues, etc. curious.

A year has left the narrator to see the Blaum when she was reunited with them, Anne had died quietly aided by Robert who had prepared for him an injection. Roberto never wrote a line that year was devoted to his wife who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The couple had agreed a senior, was inseparable as ever. Now the narrator hears the plea of Roberto who enlists the help of good die because he alone can not.

A discreet miracle

Gilberto, Filomena and Michael Boulton's three brothers were descendants of a merchant in Liverpool. Gilberto wrote poems to his age of over seventy years, was the only one who was raised in England for what remained of course hobbies range. Filomena was a widow and grandmother and took care of his brothers, one smaller Anglophile and cure. Miguel was not only a radical priest who shared the misfortunes of his parishioners, was also able to protest against the military regime that had seized the country. He denounced torture and became so well known that probably spared him being gone.

Miguel suffered a stroke that left him blind suddenly. He was taken to her sister but, given the seriousness of the matter was taken even hospital, which was the most miserable, because Father Michael refused to enter places with petulant or platicas smells sophisticated. When treated, the doctor suggested be seen by a specialist military hospital or in Opus Dei. Miguel refused to go to either but was persuaded by Filomena to be revised in the second. The ophthalmologist's Opus was sincere and said only a miracle would save her father's view. Miguel's father was speechless. Filomena took up the case and together with Gilberto and the bodyguard of his brother, went where he favors asking Joan of the Lilies: A woman whose fame had transcended boundaries miraculous after his death. Philomena was a saint for that one day recognize. For Michael to best miracle then that the fall of the dictator. Gilberto was wiping the sweat thinking about the twists of life.

Miguel's father had surgery at the hospital later in Opus Dei. Upon returning home from Filomena, Miguel received innumerable visits to affected soon after the news that Father Michael had recovered his sight ran its own voice. At a party that was organized later, Father Miguel asked to collect signatures calling for the beatification of Joan of lilies.


Much is speculated that the new queen of carnival: Miss Sweet Rose Orellano, while it was funny and beautiful, there were other contestants who greatly outnumbered the winner and the reason why he earned such a distinction is the political strength of his father Senator Anselmo Orellano. The fame of this beauty reached the ears even of Tadeo Céspedes rebel who before coming to power made a punitive expedition by land from the senator. Senator ordered to shut his daughter in the last room on his farm and offered to defend her gun in hand. Aware of its defeat, Senator came to the bedroom dying of Dulce Rosa with intent to kill. The girl however, asks the father to let her live to avenge him. The senator was determined enough in the eyes of the girl who fulfilled his wish. That night he raped Tadeo Dulce Rosa engendered since the desire for revenge.

Tadeo in turn returned to the capital to account for their actions.

With the advent of new times, he was appointed mayor and came to cultivate respect about him. All was well with the mayor's life except for the memory of that afternoon when intoxicated with gunpowder and power destroyed the dignity of a child. One night she could only with memories and went to the scene. Sweet Rose by his side had recovered from the outrage and raised his farm. Her beauty had increased and even some marriage proposals. Tadeo The night was made in its grounds was a great satisfaction the day and night they called him in thought. Alone together again. Thaddaeus confessed having been all this time sorry and loved her. Sweet Rose by you will not find the old hatreds and faced a very different picture of the offender. Both were reunited and soon announced their wedding. Dulce Rosa found love with the man he hated most but still the memory of his murdered father gave her no peace. Everything was ready for the feast except the bride who did not appear. Tadeo found itself isolated in a room, surrounded by blood as the first time he saw her.

Betrayed love letters

Analia Torres was orphaned. His uncle Eugene became his guardian and steward of the land they had inherited. Analía early age he entered the College of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart. There was receiving from time to time, brief notes from his uncle, however, deep suspicion that the coveted their lands. At his 16th birthday, Analía met his uncle who visited Eugene for the first time. The meeting was rough for the girl irritated the guy with strange provocation. Uncle Al talk with the Mother Superior, he realized that he never sent him presents at Christmas and never asked for her.

Soon, the guy returned to the convent to announce a mother now your son Louis who subscribe with his niece.

Analía began receiving letters from his cousin, at first thinking it was opening another device over tIo. But shortly after he read and eventually, once recognized in him the answer. Analía was recorded tasteful calligraphy and his cousin, began to feel others' emotions until then, he tried to repress by imagining that his cousin was extremely unpleasant. It did not work and before long, were written using a code system that concealed a latent love and confessed. The day we met in person Analía Louis was rather disappointed as handsome and attractive. The courtship was brief and the upcoming wedding. Analía continued disillusioned by her prince and became convinced that she fell in love with an illusion. The year his son was born, the couple were so alien to the child only then noticed the size of their frustrations. Time to enroll in school, Analía prevailed on Louis to enroll in a school zone. Just starting the child to bring good grades when an accident took the life of Luis Torres. Analía had noticed something strange in a congratulatory note from your child's teacher when the misfortune occurred. However, sigh of relief signified widow and took up the reins of his life. He thanked his uncle Eugenio many years to pursue his land but now it was dispensable, personnel changes and once a day to put business documents was due to your child's school. He asked him to teach his master and came to arise.

The teacher thanked the sweets that had previously sent but Analía surprised him with a box full of letters. The teacher turned pale and asked how he could have found out. She recognized the same handwriting of the letters in the written notes to your child. He did not want to deceive, was a favor he did to his friend Luis Torres, who rest in peace, and could do nothing when he began to have answers. Forgiveness depends on Analía you tell the teacher.

The palace imagined

One Latin American country filled with jungle and tradition, poverty and wealth. Somewhere in the region known as San Jacinto, send a self-proclaimed leader The Benefactor, for intrigues man but inspired by nature suspicious, especially women. While there was evidence in the capital of modernity, the rest of the country, was sunk in misery and ignorance, the ancient inhabitants of the area, had disappeared by vocation and fear before the arrival of the conquistadors. The railroad was an irrefutable sign of progress and joined the barracks with the summer palace which was built the Benefactor's after a Belgian explorer noted certain place as the most beautiful track on the planet.

The wife of a newly appointed ambassador, came then to move the scaffolding stronger power. The Benefactor was impressed by Mrs Marcia Lieberman, her beauty and grace could not be compared with any of the women with whom había shared few hours of your life. After dinner in a more concerted protocol found no rest nor tranquility. One night he appeared at the woman and, despite his advanced age, formally invited to join him. Marcia Lieberman had reason to accept the invitation, his marriage was not working and was touched by the loneliness of old. Free spirit, was fascinated by the overwhelming nature that lay before her, the Benefactor for his part, and then to run the diplomat husband, was a belated but intense romance with the girl. He decided the Benefactor Marcia carry her beautiful palace. Marcia adores the place abandoned for all types of plants had penetrated the interior. The old tyrant raised an entourage for the serve and they parted after an unexpected fact. Worn by amorous fell asleep for the first time in his life, in the arms of a woman. The Benefactor knew he was safe power when it is embraced. They said goodbye to not ever seen. Over the years, the news that the old chief of the area had died, barely audible in the palace that had gradually mixed with the forest.

Many years later, an expedition comprised of professionals, sought the mythical palace unlucky, villagers tell of strange occurrences. At the time Marcia was accustomed to them. Appearances dating back to the time of the conquest.

We are made of mud

Rolf Carle, a prestigious television reporter whose career covered wars and disasters, came to cover the eruption of a volcano that had caused a detachment of ice to thaw mud covered with large populations. There he met a girl named Lily who had been buried by mud and was stuck because her brothers had clung to her at the time of the disaster. The courageous journalist was suddenly identified with the emotional pain of Azucena, gradually ceased to report the terrible disaster that occurred around to pay attention and desperate to help dig. The face of the girl emerged from the mud went around the world because all the media focused on that espectacute horror. Three days passed and Rolf efforts had been futile. Azucena was trapped in the mud and company could only offer him Rolf. As the hours passed Rolf remembers his life and what happened there, the strange and recognizable. His encounter with Lily was decisive in his life that caused the impact. Rolf wanted to comfort her and was Lily who gave comfort to him.

Lily died and the narrator admits that since then was never the same.

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