Text Types and Literary Forms

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Narration and Description: Narration is a text type where a narrator tells a story about characters in a specific place and time. Description details a person, object, place, or process. Basic text forms (narrative, description, and dialogue) can appear individually or combined in a single piece.

Statements: Statements (words, phrases, sentences) are minimal communication units, separated by pauses, conveying a complete message. A simple sentence has one verb; multiple verbs create a complex sentence.

Using the Dictionary: Dictionary entries may include information on etymology, gender, grammatical category, meanings, expressions, usage fields, and more. To find a word, locate the infinitive form; nouns and adjectives are listed in the masculine singular.

Romantic Narrative Poetry: Romantic narrative poetry covers legends, historical events, and imaginary stories. While various line types exist, octosyllabic lines are preferred. Common themes include love, the meaning of life, and social criticism, often through the exaltation of marginalized characters.

Dialogue: Dialogue is text where two or more participants alternate speaking. In narrative dialogue, the narrator presents the speakers' words. Theatrical texts include character dialogue and stage directions—authorial instructions for staging.

Sentence Structure: A simple sentence has two main constituents:

  • A noun phrase as the subject.
  • A verb phrase as the predicate.

The subject (noun or pronoun) and verb agree in number and person. Subjects are sometimes omitted, implied by the verb. Personal pronouns like I, you, he/she/it, we/us, they/them function as subjects. Pronouns such as me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them cannot be sentence subjects.

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