Conectores en inglés

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bizarre spots: puntos extreños // in the middle of busy streets: en medio de calles ocupadas // medical treatment: tratamiento medico // beyond: mas allá (further away) // attempt: tentativa // joined: se afiliaron ( affiliated) // treacherous: traidora // daring feats: hazañas audaces (bold exploits) // foolishness: tonterias (bullshit ) // unlikely: poco probabilidad (little probability)

Además: in addition, besides // Debido a: since, due to // Consecuencia: So, therefore, consequently, as a result // Objetivo: in order to // Aunque: nevertheless, althought, despite // Opinion: in my opinion, it seems to me that // En realidad: in fact, actually // Enumeracion: In the first place, finally, lastly, then, next // Ejemplo: such as, in particular, for instance // Opuesto: On the one hand -- on the other hand // Después: Meanwhile, afterwards // Tan pronto como: as soon as // Para esas fec has: by the time // Conclusion: To sum up

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