Using Technology to Enhance Reading and Learning in Education

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Proposal Example


This proposal suggests ways teachers can use technology to get children reading. The aim of this proposal is to suggest a new way for teachers to integrate technology into their classrooms to foster a love of reading.

Current Situation

It is a fact that children are now spending more time on digital devices, browsing the internet, messaging friends, etc. It is also a fact that they are reading fewer books. This matters because reading books is known to improve:

  • Focus and memory
  • Vocabulary
  • Communication skills
  • Analytical thinking

So how can we use students' enthusiasm for digital devices to encourage them to read more?

Possible Solutions

First of all, we suggest that teachers actively encourage students to use the internet in class, either to research new subjects or to compare their conclusions with other people's. Secondly, we recommend using student blogs or learning diaries as a way of sharing ideas. Lastly, we think technology could help make reading a pleasure rather than a duty. One idea would be to put interesting short stories with visuals on screens in a quiet part of the classroom that students could read as a reward for finishing other work.


These are just a few examples of how technology could be an aid to reading. We strongly recommend teachers explore similar ideas. Unless we begin to see technology as a part of the solution, rather than part of the problem, we are unlikely to reverse the trend.

Report on the First Seven Weeks of the International Business Program


This report looks back on my first seven weeks as a first-year International Business student at the HU.


During the first seven weeks of the International Business program, I have taken six courses, including marketing, etc.


Since this is a new study program, it has a lot of advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, there are some strengths that I need to point out. Firstly, all the books have been updated to newer versions, which helps students to get more up-to-date information about the global business environment and its related issues. Secondly, students can choose to learn a new language besides their normal curriculum; this will facilitate them in their future business careers.

On the other hand, there are some drawbacks that should be improved. First, each lesson only lasts for one hour, which is not enough for lecturers and students to look at the problem thoroughly. Second, as there are no breaks between each lesson, students may feel more stressed, and teachers struggle a lot to find their classes.

Conclusion and Recommendations

I will suggest some solutions to cope with the aforementioned problems. First of all, lessons should be extended to one hour and 30 minutes so that lectures can help students to understand the material more thoroughly. Furthermore, there should be a short break between two lessons, which may last for around ten minutes. If the coordinators of International Business agree with my suggestions, I would recommend these solutions be applied before the end of November 2018.

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