System Properties: Permeability, Homeostasis, Entropy & More
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System Characteristics and Properties
For a system to be considered as such, it must have several interrelated factors and properties characteristic of the system.
It is the flexibility of the system, which is neither fully open nor fully closed, allowing it to exchange energy with its environment or context.
Homeostasis (State Similar)
This refers to maintaining a regular operating system while undergoing permanent change processes. It involves mechanisms that allow self-balancing, correcting deviations or failures to ensure survival and growth. If the input level is equal to or greater than the output level, the system will maintain or grow.
This represents the process of degeneration or obsolescence experienced by a system. This process can result in disintegration or death of the system. If the input level is less than the output level, the system will decline.
This occurs when a system has an element or group of elements that act as a nucleus or central head, where many decisions are based and where a lot of information is held. A greater number of decisions and their importance lead to a greater degree of centralization. There is a tendency for decentralization when a system does not have a core or does not exercise much influence over other elements.
Integration and Independence
A system has an integrated feature when its internal elements are interrelated. A change in one element causes a chain sequence of changes in other elements of the system.
Morphostasis and Morphogenesis
(Form, state, stillness) is when systems change their structures or levels of functioning. Examples: solar system, mountain system.
(Change, form) is the feature of systems whose structures or levels of operation are subject to relatively fast change. Examples: enterprise system.
This is the degree of pressure that some elements of the system exert on others due to the relationship between them. Tension at normal levels is not only positive but also necessary for the effective functioning of the system. The system can accept high and low pressure, but only for short periods of time, as long periods can cause damage to the system's performance.
This is the property that represents the result a system gets when working together, which is greater than the sum of the partial results of its elements when working independently.
This is the property of systems that reflects the degree of adaptation of a system to its environment or context. A system can monitor the change of context, while others can remain unchanged in their structure and may change in the opposite direction to changes in context. Some systems can also monitor changes in context, while others are slow in adapting to the changing context.