Syntactic and Lexical Cohesion in English and Catalan

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Asyndeton or Juxtaposition: Connecting without connectors.

Parataxis: Joining two clauses without a hierarchical relationship. Includes coordination and asyndetic sentence connection at the beginning, middle, or end of the second clause.

Hypotaxis: Joining two clauses with a hierarchical relationship.

Pseudo-Coordination (Greenbaum and Quirk 1997): Coordinating conjunctions with an idiomatic sense. Intensification, Continuation/Repetition, Different Classes (Identical Coordination Elements), Quantity.

Cohesion II: Lexical Mechanisms

A. Iteration

Repetition (can include structural variations), Synonymy, Hyponymy, General Word

B. Semantic Associations Between Words

  1. Opposition (Lyons, Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics)
    1. Complementary: male/female, single/married/widowed/separated
    2. Inverse: buy/sell, spouse
    3. Antonyms: high/low, good/bad
  2. Same Series: Monday/Wednesday, euro/penny
  3. Unordered Set
    1. Part-Whole: brake/car
    2. Part-Part: brake/wheel
    3. Co-Hyponymy: Scarlet and crimson are co-hyponyms of red, and red and green are co-hyponyms of color.
  4. Collocation: Associations based on frequency. For example, severe winter, heavy rain.

Accent and Theme-Rheme:

  • In English, when the rheme's core is at the end of the clause, deaccenting theme information is possible.
  • In Catalan, when the rheme's core is at the end of the clause, deaccenting theme information is not possible.

Rheme: Parts of a proposition identified as genuinely informative.

Translation Procedures

  • Borrowing (with or without naturalization)
  • Lexical Creation (neology)
  • Calque
  • Definition
  • Substitution (functional equivalent)
  • Omission
  • Information Addition

English word order is typically SV, while Catalan tends towards VS, especially when the subject is thematic. English nominal phrases follow the order adjective + noun (modifier + head), while Catalan is the inverse (noun + adjective).

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