Sports Facility Management and Development

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Classification of Sports Facilities

Conventional Spaces

Dedicated to more traditional sports. These spaces are characteristic: tennis courts, frontons, pavilions, swimming pools, and halls.

Singular Spaces

Sports areas where a practice can be adjusted. Specific spaces are unevenly distributed over the area: golf courses, ski resorts, and golf shot areas.

Activity Areas

They are not strictly sports facilities. These spaces are suitable for sports: marinas, harbors, and airfields.

Direct Management in a Town

The town controls the service directly through the municipal administration itself. It can be done by:

  • City Council without a specialized body.
  • Town Hall with a specialized body.
  • Autonomous bodies.
  • Commercial company with capital from the town hall.

Indirect Forms of Management in Administration

  • Concession: The employer will manage the service.
  • Interested Management: Administration and entrepreneur are involved in the operation of the service.
  • Concert: A natural or legal person performing similar services to those discussed.
  • Joint Economic Society: The administration participates in competition.


A control method to observe the performance of an installation. It lets you monitor and manage the strategic deployment of the organization. This table helps us to have an overview of our sports facilities.

Points for Project Management

Use plan, maintenance plan, quality plan, and feasibility plan.

Preventive Maintenance

When designing the space, the ease of cleaning or accessibility to them for their own routine maintenance should be taken into account. You must decide what type of air conditioning and lighting will be installed.

Corrective Maintenance

These are the different repairs of faults that occur with the passage of time due to damage.

  • Conventional Space: Swimming pool and pavilion.
  • Singular Space: Speed circuit and bicycle lanes.
  • Activity Areas: Shelter and airfield.

Approaches to Final Basic Design of a Sports Facility

  • Consistency regarding the aims and objectives set for the various sports venues that are planned for construction.
  • Versatility: Ability to adapt to the changing needs of potential users.
  • Functionality: Respect to the management.
  • Movement: Ease of movement.
  • Aesthetics: Comfort and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Accessibility: Overcoming barriers.
  • Security

Types of Recruitment

  • Open: All interested contractors may submit a proposal.
  • Restricted: Only employers may submit their proposal specifically selected by the administration.
  • Negotiated: The contract will be awarded to the employer reasonably chosen by management.

Types of Recruitment Records

  • Ordinary
  • Urgent: Records of contracts whose need is urgent or for which the award is necessary to accelerate in the public interest.
  • Emergency: Used in cases where the administration must act immediately because of catastrophic events or situations involving grave danger.

Forms of Award

  1. Contest: The contract is awarded to the best tenderer as a whole, without regard only to the price.
  2. Auction: It is awarded to the tender offering the lowest price, not exceeding the amount collected in the sheets.

Features of a Sports Project

  • Defined: Not to confuse objectives with tasks.
  • Quantified: For strict control over their achievement.
  • Temporary: Set when the target is to be reached.
  • Possible: Must be realizable.
  • Ambitious: Pretending to take a step without raising the illusory.
  • Assigned: Agreed project undertaken by the organization and accepted by its executor.
  • Assessable: To determine the degree of compliance with objectives.
  • Unique: Create a product, but in the singular.
  • Gradual: Step-by-step development.
  • Integrated: Must contribute to the overall objectives of the organization.

PDCA Cycle for Continuous Improvement

PDCA = Plan-Do-Check-Act

Tools of External Quality

  • Couple satisfaction surveys measuring quality.
  • Systems for complaints and suggestions.
  • Letters of service.

Satisfaction Survey

A technique that uses a standardized set of procedures whereby data are collected and analyzed are representative of a population, which aims to predict and explain the agreement or disagreement with a number of features. These surveys are well-suited for organizations in the service sector.

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