Spanish Postwar Poetry: Themes and Movements

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Postwar Poetry

The end of the Civil War is marked by a hard postwar period of poverty, censorship, and exile of some intellectuals. Poets experienced the environment through evasion of the intimate (entrenched poetry) or through the testimony of the distressing situation (uprooted and social poetry).

Decade of the 40s

In the Generation of 36, authors like Luis Felipe Vivanco, Leopoldo Panero, Luis Rosales, and Dionisio Ridruejo developed established poetry. Garcilasismo, highlighted by José García Nieto, also emerged.

Ingrained Poetry

Characterized by an intimate evasion, positive vision of God, and classical metric. Authors like Luis Rosales, Luis Felipe Vivanco, Leopoldo Panero, and Dionisio Ridruejo were prominent in this movement.

Uprooted Poetry

Term coined by Dámaso Alonso to describe poets like Blas de Otero who expressed anguish and despair in their works.

Decade of the 50s

Existential uprooted poetry evolved into social poetry, focusing on solidarity and social issues. Blas de Otero, Gabriel Celaya, and José Hierro were key figures in this movement.

Decade of the 60s

A new literary path emerged with the Generation of the Mid-Century, including authors like Barral, Crespo, Goytisolo, and Brines. They explored themes of love, childhood during the Civil War, friendship, and daily life.

Recent Decades

Women poets gained prominence, with trends like antisthetic poetry and the popular 'poetry of experience' featuring authors like Montero, Reyes, and Marzal.

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