Spanish Political History: 19th and Early 20th Centuries

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Key Concepts in Spanish Political History

Constitution: A state law that includes the rights, freedoms, and duties of a country.

Nationalist Movements: Based on liberal and Romantic ideas.

Nation: A group of people who live in the same place, sharing a language, traditions, and laws.

Renaissance: A cultural movement that appeared in the 19th century, directed by the bourgeoisie, with liberal ideas of Romanticism.

Key Periods and Events

Characteristics of the Cadiz Constitution: Parliamentary monarchy, universal male suffrage, national sovereignty, feudal rights, and economic freedom.

Liberal Triennium (1820-1823): A pronouncement was made stating that King Ferdinand VII could no longer govern. The Holy Alliance restored the old regime.

Moderate Liberals: Advocated for power-sharing between the courts and the king, census suffrage, centralized power, individual rights, the National Guard, and seizures. Led by Narváez.

Progressive Liberals: Believed power resided in the courts, advocated for universal suffrage, decentralized power, individual rights, the National Militia, and seizures. Led by Mendizábal, Espartero, and Prim.

Liberal Union: A union between moderate and progressive liberals, led by General O'Donnell. The Glorious Revolution and the crisis and decline of the monarchy led to a pronouncement directed by Prim, Serrano, and Topete.

General Pavía handed the presidency to General Serrano, who tried to stabilize a republican regime.

Timeline of Spanish Rulers and Governments

  • Charles IV: 1807-1808
  • Joseph Bonaparte: 1808-1814 (during the Peninsular War)
  • Ferdinand VII: 1814-1833 (Restoration of Absolutism)
  • Isabella II: 1833-1868 (Construction of the Liberal State)
  • Provisional Government: 1868-1870
  • Amadeo I: 1870-1873
  • First Republic: 1873-1875
  • Alfonso XII: 1875-1885
  • Alfonso XIII: 1885-1931 (Bourbon Restoration)

The Salic Law prohibited women from governing. A pronouncement is a military uprising with the objective of changing the government.

Key Dates and Events

  • 1807: Treaty of Fontainebleau
  • 1808: Mutiny of Aranjuez
  • 1812: Constitution of Cadiz
  • 1814: End of the Peninsular War, return of Ferdinand VII
  • 1820: Riego's Pronouncement
  • 1823: Intervention of the Holy Alliance
  • 1833: Death of Ferdinand VII, First Carlist War begins
  • 1836: Disentailment of Mendizábal
  • 1837: Progressive Constitution
  • 1845: Moderate Constitution
  • 1848: First train in Barcelona
  • 1851: Railways in Madrid
  • 1855: Disentailment of Madoz
  • 1868: The Glorious Revolution
  • 1869: Monarchical Constitution
  • 1872: Third Carlist War begins
  • 1873: Abdication of Amadeo I, proclamation of the First Republic
  • 1874: Pavia's Coup, Pronouncement of Sagunto, return of Alfonso XII, Bourbon Restoration
  • 1885: Memorial of Grievances
  • 1885-1902: Regency of Maria Christina of Habsburg
  • 1898: Independence of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
  • 1902: Alfonso XIII comes of age

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