Spanish Literature & Language
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Expressions of Opinion
When expressing opinions, use phrases like "In my opinion" or "My point of view," or first-person verbs such as "I believe" or "I think."
Opinions should be supported by arguments. Use causal conjunctions like "It seems inappropriate because..." or "Because..."
Arguments can be strengthened with adjectives that express an evaluation of reality.
The Verb Phrase
The verb phrase acts as the predicate of a sentence, and its core is a verb.
Verbs indicate actions (studying, running, laughing) or states (being, seeming) and express time.
- Verbal moods include indicative, subjunctive, and imperative.
Clarín's Stories
Clarín, the pseudonym of Leopoldo Alas, wrote the novel The Judge's Wife.
He also authored articles set in Asturias, denouncing social injustice and advocating for the vulnerable.
Narrative and Descriptive Text
Narrative texts tell a story that happens to characters in a specific time and place. Descriptive texts depict a person, object, place, or process.
Basic textual forms (narrative, description, and dialogue) can appear in isolation or combination.
Romantic Narrative Poetry
Romantic narrative poetry often features legends, historical events, and fictional stories.
While various poetic forms exist, octosyllabic verse is common.
Frequent themes include love, the meaning of life, and social criticism through the exaltation of marginalized individuals.
Dialogue is text in which two or more speakers alternate turns.
In narrative dialogue, the narrator presents the speakers' words. In theatrical texts, character dialogue is accompanied by stage directions, which guide the play's staging.
Bécquer's Legends
Bécquer's fantastic legends are rooted in reality and draw from folk tradition.
Supernatural elements are a constant presence in these stories.
Set in various Spanish cities, primarily in or near ancient times, the legends explore themes of love, music, religion, and more.
Exposition and argumentation are also textual modalities.
Argumentative texts offer a reasoned defense of an opinion or point of view (thesis).
They aim to persuade through arguments and evidence.
- Data, examples, facts, and quotes from reputable figures serve as arguments.
Contextual Synonyms
Some terms are synonymous only within specific contexts (e.g., "boy" and "student").
Galdós's Novels
Benito Pérez Galdós is a prominent figure in realist novels.
His novel Marianela explores the relationship between Pablo, a young blind man, and Marianela, a girl-woman characterized by her ugliness and imagination. A medical operation restores Pablo's sight, and he falls in love with his beautiful cousin Florentina. Marianela dies of grief and shame.