Spanish History: From Civil War to Democracy

Classified in History

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Key Formulas and Concepts

  • Ea = Er * (Xi-X) / X DataTraveler 100
  • Class = Ea / FE DataTraveler 100
  • p = No (No products) · p (unitario PRICE) = Cf + Cu · n
  • Q (Optimal Lot) = [2k (cost realization Checkout) * Q (full productions a year) / g (annual cost)]

Historical Timeline

1939-1945: Early Franco Era

1939 -> Responsibility '40-Civiles> Masonry and Suppression.

'39-'45-> 10,000 executed.

1943-1950s: Post-War and Isolation

'43 (Cortes) and Spanish Law -> last fascist redoubt-> Fr '48' 46 UN ambassadors and eliminate military tribunals. Isolation affects business-> succession laws kingdom. Cold War-> '50 UN Mars' 53

1960s: Technocratic Modernization

'60s-'69-> Technocratic-> Modernization of society and economy. '66 Press law, religious freedom, '67, '69 law of succession.

1970-1975: Late Franco Era

'70-'75-> Carrero, economic expansion, '73 attack, crisis, increased repression-> Transition to Democracy.

Catalonia Under Franco

Catalonia-> Statutes is repealed, banning Catalan, flag, names, associations .. Oct. 15 shooting of Partners' 40.

Economic Policies

Autarky and its Consequences


Autarky -> population flows. Franco does not intervene, DSP itself. '60s Migration abroad. Increased social differences. salaries, expensive products, restrictions, ration card. Hunger, smuggling ...

1950s: Initial Economic Reforms

'50-> Plan with marsh-> delete interventionist measures, some growing. opens external market. '57 Insolvency. Small improvements strikes salt.

1960s: Technocratic Boom

60s-> technocrats-> P ^. Wiring 160% and income per head 8x. Tourism, multinational corporations (non-strike law) and export of manpower.

1973-1975: Oil Crisis

'73-'75-> $ 4.6 per barrel of oil -> 11.92 & 10.6% and inflation at 18.7%

Transition to Democracy

Political Shift


Death of Franco, J. Carlos becomes king, the parties are consolidated, Arias raised PCO 2. mon scheme or continue. Parliament. JC looking for a president is to democratize and ESP Adolfo Suarez. Navarro dismisses and legalizes parties. New constitution (ideology). UCD Suarez, Fraga (AP), F González (PSOE), Carrillo (PCE). Many against legalization, but Suarez succeeded. CAT-> CIU and ERC (Tarradell). It promotes CONSTITUTION-> Human neglecting ESP-monolithic> autonomy law. Nationalists leave this up with autonomy. PCE and PSOE Republic disclaim idea.

1978 Constitution

UP 78 -> dogmatic (and social democratic, self nationalities, not CATOL., Civil rights, NO death penalty, we don =., Law Soc Sec,) organic (fundamental power)

Social Pacts

Social pacts-> After consolidating democracy, and social measures to echo fight crisis. Moncloa Pacts '77 (Aug. salaries not higher inflation).

Attempted Coup

Antonio Tejero 23-F.

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