Spanish Civil War Origins: 1934-1936 Political Unrest

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The Build-Up to the Spanish Civil War: 1934-1936

The Aftermath of the 1934 Uprisings

The IZDAS LIFT-10-34 was a counter-reaction to strikes and armed uprisings, most notably in Asturias and Catalonia. In Catalonia, the unrest had a political nature, with a communist general strike and Luis Companys proclaiming a Catalan Republic within Spain, which was quickly dissolved. In Asturias, the uprising had a social and revolutionary character, aiming to replace the bourgeois republic with a workers' state. This was driven by a pact between the CNT and UGT, symbolized by the initials UHP (Union of Proletarian Brothers), to fight against the bourgeoisie. The army, with civilian elements brought from Africa by Franco, was used to suppress the uprisings.

The CEDA (Spanish Confederation of Autonomous Right-wing Groups) punished the rebels of Asturias and PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers' Party) leaders, reforming the agrarian reform law and placing military personnel of dubious loyalty in high positions.

The End of the CEDA Biennium

The right-wing experienced internal and external tensions. The end of the CEDA biennium was precipitated by the revolution in Asturias, political corruption scandals, and the black market in rigged casinos. Gil Robles's attempts to become President were thwarted due to his perceived fascist leanings. After proposing a coup and withdrawing parliamentary support, he announced elections for February 16, 1936, which the left-wing Popular Front won.

Formation of the Popular Front

Communism changed its strategy, now choosing between fascism and democracy. The Communists tried to stop fascism. The 1936 elections resulted in a victory for the Popular Front, with its reformist social-democratic program:

  • Amnesty for the 1934 insurgents and defendants
  • Reinstatement of workers and public employees dismissed for political reasons
  • Reforms in the Constitutional Court and judicial reform
  • Restoration of the Republican Constitution
  • Land reform
  • Protection of small producers and entrepreneurs
  • Bringing the Bank of Spain under public control
  • Restoration of social laws from 1931 to 1933

Social Conflict and the Road to War

Social conflict reignited, with the burning of monasteries and churches. The Falange (a fascist political party) initiated violence and attacks. Niceto Alcalá-Zamora was removed from the presidency and replaced by Manuel Azaña. June and July saw revolutionary agitation. The murder of José María Calvo Sotelo, a right-wing parliamentary leader, further escalated tensions.

Conspiracy Against the Popular Front

The Republic moved suspected military personnel outside of Madrid. General Mola took the opportunity to gain command of the armed Carlists. On July 17, 1936, the Melilla garrison rebelled and declared war in Morocco, triggering the Spanish Civil War. Franco was put in command of the army in Africa. A coup was attempted in Spain but failed, leading to the outbreak of a full-scale civil war.

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