Spain in the 19th Century: Monarchy to Republic
Classified in History
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Spain: End of the Old Regime of Absolute Monarchy
War and Revolution
- Talon of Independence
- Background: San Idelfonso treaties and Fontainebleau, conspiracy of El Escorial, Aranjuez Mutiny
- Proceedings of the War: Battles of Bailén, Arapiles, Vitoria, and San Marcial; Guerrilla warfare
- Liberal Revolution
- "Cortes" of Cadiz: Spain's first constitution (1812)
Fernando VII: Reversal of Liberalism
- Absolutist Sexenio: The Constitution of Cadiz is annulled
- Liberal Triennium:
- Statement of Riego: Return of liberalism
- Return to Absolutism: Liberal reforms of the Triennium were deleted
- Problem of succession (Carlist Wars)
Independence of Spanish America
- Causes: Dissemination of ideas from the French Revolution and the U.S., discontent of the native bourgeoisie, the weakness of Spain
- Actors: Simón Bolívar and José de San Martín
- Facts: Victories of the independence movement
- Implications: Creation of new nations
Economy and Society
- Economy: Economic development slowed
- Society: Tenants and laborers became impoverished; increase in industrial workers
Culture and Art
- Culture:
- Literature: Popular and enlightened currents
- Art:
- Neoclassicism:
- Architecture: Juan de Villanueva
- Sculpture: José Álvarez Cubero
- Painting: Vicente López, José de Madrazo
- Francisco de Goya revolutionized the art of his time, anticipating later artistic movements
- Neoclassicism:
Spain: The Liberal State
Construction of the Liberal State
- Features: Constitutional, separation of powers, and liberal parties (moderate and progressive)
- Regencies:
- Regency of María Cristina: First Carlist War and the Confiscation of Mendizábal
- Regency of Espartero
- Reign of Isabel II:
- Periods:
- Moderate decade: Constitution of 1845
- Progressive biennium: Confiscation of Madoz
- Alternation in power between the moderates and the Liberal Union
- Periods:
The Revolutionary Sexenio
- Constitution of 1869 (progressive)
- Democratic Monarchy: Amadeo I
- Challenges: Opposition from Republicans, Carlists, and monarchists; colonial conflict in Cuba
- First Republic:
- Problems: Cantonal uprising, difficulties in maintaining order and unity
The Restoration
- Artificer: Cánovas del Castillo
- Pillars: Hereditary constitutional monarchy, Constitution of 1876, bipartisan system (Conservative and Liberal parties)
- Reign of Alfonso XII:
- Problems: Opposition from Republicans, Carlist monarchists, regionalism, and the labor movement
- Regency of Maria Christina of Austria:
- Problems: "Disaster of 98"
- Agriculture: Base of the economy
- Industrialization: Slow and late
- Class society: Oligarchy, commercial and industrial bourgeoisie, and working class
- Social conflicts
- Ideological trends: Socialism and anarchism
- Literary Currents: Romanticism, Realism, Modernism, and the Generation of 98
- Architecture: Eclectic (historicism) and Modernism
- Sculpture: Realism and Modernism
- Painting: Romanticism, Realism, and history painting