Significance of Parables and Stories in Mark's Gospel

Classified in Religion

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The significance of the parable of the mustard seed is that it is a metaphor for the kingdom of heaven. The mustard seed starts as the smallest seed, but as it grows, and the faith begins to spread, it will eventually become the biggest plant and this represents how more faith leads to a more prominent kingdom of heaven. Mustard seed is faith, bush is kingdom of God, and birds are the people.

In the story of the rich man, Jesus tells the rich man to give up all of his wealth to the poor if he wants to enter into heaven. The widow contributes a small amount of money to the offering, which may not seem like a lot of money, but to her it is a lot. In both narratives, Jesus is saying how it is important to give up what you can to others in order to help them. Also, he is saying how to trust in God.

The purpose of the parable of the tenants was to foreshadow his death to the scribes and the Pharisees. He did so by saying how the owner of the property would send out servants to the tenants to collect money, who represent the prophets, but they would be killed. The owner, who acts as God, eventually sent out his son to collect thinking that they would not kill his son but they did. Here Jesus represents the son as he is the son of God who will die, which he foreshadows.

The significance of Peter's denial of Jesus is that Peter showed his lack of faith in Jesus and God as he refused to believe he would deny Jesus 3 times when he was told by him. This applies to the major theme of discipleship or trust because Peter's lack of faith indirectly points out the important Collegeville theme of trusting in God and stresses it is important since Peter at the end broke down and wept.

The significance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey/colt is that by doing so, Jesus is fulfilling an Old Testament prophecy.

The two greatest commandments are:
1. To love God with all your mind, body, self, and spirit.
2. To love thy neighbor as you love thyself.
These commandments are difficult to follow because there are earthly elements that can distract people from doing these things, like materialism or false Gods.

One story in Mark's gospel that illustrates the theme of service to others is the story of the rich man because if he does not listen to God's instructions on how to get into heaven, then he is serving others because he is giving money to the poor. Although, he does not give money to the poor in the story, he sets up and emphasizes the importance of service to others.

The Agony in the Garden illustrates Christ's humanity because his human side is revealed. In the story, Jesus reveals his fear of death, a common emotion felt by all humans. Jesus' fear emphasizes and highlights his human nature.

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