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c/Gregal 7                 Grange Rochester,Hotel

villajoiosa (03570)        69 Vicents Squere
Alicante                            SW 5788
Spain                               London
                                        Great Britan
Dear sir or Madam
My name is Daiana Ferrer,and i was staying with my boyfriend in your Hotel from 20 TH to 25 TH March this year, in room number 234.

I want to express my dissatisfaction whith the service offered, even having expressed our dissatisfaction several times, didn´t improve at all.

From the cleanliness and quality of the chosen room, which left much to be desired, to the final price you billed me, there have been a series of unexpected situations that have tarnished, i cousider i should be given an apology for your unacceptable behaviour.
your sincerely.

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