Causes of Revolutions and the Transition to Liberalism

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Why do revolutions happen?

The reforms of the Enlightenment did not solve the problems of the old regime. That is why this system came to an end through revolution. But other aspects of life were also influential in the desire to change and break away from the old system and social inequality between privileged classes and non-privileged classes.

The New State

After the war, the United States had a liberal system and was regulated by the U.S. Constitution. It was organized as a federal republic, establishing national sovereignty and separation of powers among the President, Congress, and the Supreme Court.

Tea Act

The Tea Act gave the British East India Company a monopoly on the sale of tea in the colonies, as well as the right to duty-free exports. It also taxed the colonies on other imports, such as paper, glass, and lead.

Change from Absolutism to Liberalism

Absolutism gave way to a liberal political system.


Robespierre opposed foreign invasion, helped create a more democratic constitution that allowed for universal suffrage, and supported the use of the guillotine.

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