The Restoration and Reign of Charles II: A Transformative Era

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The Impact of the Penal Laws

Another negative aspect was the imposition of the so-called Penal Laws, which were a series of laws imposed in an attempt to force Irish Catholics to accept the reformed denomination as defined by the Anglican Church. Many Catholics were persecuted. Another aspect imposed had to do with the distribution of the land: Puritans could give the whole land to their descendants. However, Catholics had to divide it, so the value of the land diminished, and this worsened over generations. Oliver Cromwell imposed these laws because during the First Civil War the King counted on the help of Catholics, so it was like revenge.

1653 – 1658: The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell

During this period, Oliver Cromwell took full control and named himself the Lord Protector of England. He had the support of 12 major generals. He became a dictator, a tyrant. It is a dark period in English history; one of the victims of this transition was, for example, drama because all the theaters were closed, basically because Puritans considered theaters to be the houses of the devil. In 1658 Oliver Cromwell died, so there were two options: his son would succeed him in power or a return to the Monarchy.

The Restoration: Charles II Takes the Throne

In 1658, Oliver Cromwell died and his son succeeded him, but nobody wanted a continuity so Charles II came to power in 1660, and this was called the Restoration. It was the end of the Protectorate.

The Age of Light and Reason

1660-1688: Restoration and Glorious Revolution

In 1660, the Monarchy was restored in the figure of Charles II, who had lived in France before he came to England.

The Act of Indemnity and Oblivion

The King wanted those who fought on the side of the Parliament in the war and killed his father to suffer revenge, so he put forth a law called Indemnity and Oblivion, which specified that a number of lands had to be returned to the original owners. Oblivion means a new beginning. He was in favor of starting a new age.

An Age of Excess and the Comedy of Manners

The age of Restoration was an age of excess; the King had 23 illegitimate children and he did not leave a legitimate successor. New pieces of literature contained a kind of drama that could be defined as fashionable and full of excess. During this period appeared the comedy of manners, written by the elite for the elite. This time was a time of sexual excess. And Charles II named a number of actresses his own mistresses.

Scientific Progress and the Royal Society

Also, it was an age of secularization and scientific progress; the Royal Society was created, ruled by Newton, also Harvey, and Hooke. Actions like witch-hunting ended.

Imperial Growth and Colonial Expansion

It was also a period of Imperial growth and new colonies. The first British Empire was created during the Stuart period.

Disasters: The Black Death and the Great Fire of London

Also, it was an age of terrible disasters such as the return of the Black Death or the Great Fire of London in 1666, which practically destroyed half of London.

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