Restoration, Liberalism, and Nationalism: Political Movements in the 19th Century

Classified in Social sciences

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New political movement

Restore the situation of previous monarchies (bring back absolutism)

Congress of Vienna 1815 managed to produce peaceful balance of powers among the empires after Napoleonic wars

Spread of revolutionary movements (weren't unable to stop them)

  • Middle class influenced by ideals of democracy of F.R
  • Industrial revolution brought economical+social changes
  • Lower classes were influenced by socialist, communist and anarchist ideas.


Development of personal freedom and social progress

Consider democracy unhealthy because encouraged mass participation into politics

Changed the social order through the further extension of democracy

Liberals fought against oppression, arbitrariness things of power

Emphasized needs for free individuals


Political movement in which the nation was viewed as 'above all' and most important aspect/every aspect

Social, economic, cultural decision are taken according the idea of the nation, the most important thing.

Feeling of community, a group of people sharing this feeling

This group is based on common descent, language, and religion

3 revolutions inspired by these ideals which caused domestic tension

1820 Liberal revolutionary war

1830 Revolution of...

1848 Revolutions of...

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