Reflexive Pronouns and Sentence Structures in Spanish
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Reflexive Pronouns (Me, Te, Se, Nos, Os, Se)
A. With Function (Direct Object / Indirect Object)
- Reflexive: The action reflects back on the subject. Example: "They wash themselves" - Direct Object
- Interactive: The action is performed reciprocally between subjects. Example: "They kiss each other" - Direct Object
- Allomorph of "you": Another form of "you" when a direct object pronoun is already present. Example: "He said to me" - "I" (Indirect Object) - Direct Object
- Ethical Dative: Emphasizes the sentence; can be removed. It functions as an Indirect Object. Example: "You eat three meals." "Three-course meal" - Indirect Object
B. Without a Grammatical Function (Accompanying the Verb)
- Subject Override (3rd person singular): Example: "One lives well in Spain" - Impersonal
- Reflexive Passive: Has a subject, but the subject is the patient (the one receiving the action). The number is changed to reflect the subject. Examples: "Photocopies are made"; "There is a view" - Marked Passive Reflexive
- Expletive (Pronominal): The "se" is required and cannot be omitted. Examples: "To commit suicide"; "To repent" - "I commit suicide" - "Pronominal"
- Income: When "se" is part of a verb in a prepositional phrase, it changes the verb's meaning. Example: "Agree" (Direct Object) vs. "Remember something" (Prepositional Phrase)
Coordinate Compound Sentences
- Copulative: and, e, ni, together with, as well as, besides - SUMMATION (The meaning of one sentence is added to the others)
- Disjunctive: or, u, or else - EXCLUSION (If one proposition is true, the other is false)
- Adversative: but, yet, however, nevertheless, rather, otherwise, etc. - OPPOSITION (What is said in one statement wholly or partly contradicts the other)
- Distributive: either...or,, sometimes...sometimes, one...another, this one...that one - ALTERNATION (The propositions express alternating actions that are not mutually exclusive)
- Explicative: that is, i.e., namely - EXPLANATION (One proposition explains the meaning of the other)
Subordinate Clauses
A. Proper Subordinate Clauses
- Time: then - Adverbial Clause of Time
- Place: there - Adverbial Clause of Place
- Manner: thus - Adverbial Clause of Manner
B. Improper Subordinate Clauses
- Conditional: Affects the entire sentence and expresses a condition for the main clause. (if, that)
- Concessive: Affects the entire sentence and expresses an objection to the main action. (although, even if, however)
- Final: Affects the entire sentence. Answers "What for?" and expresses the purpose of the action.
- Causal: Affects the entire sentence. Answers "Why?" and explains the cause or reason for the action.
- Comparative: Adjacent to an intensifier. Expresses a comparison.
- Consecutive: Adjacent to an intensifier. Affects the entire sentence. Expresses the consequence of the main action.