Reconstruction Era: Key Figures and Events

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Chapter 16

1. Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan

2. Wade-Davis Manifesto

3. Freedmen's Bureau

4. John Wilkes Booth

5. Proclamation of Amnesty

6. Radical Republicans

7. Military Reconstruction Act

8. Tenure of Office Act

9. Union League

10. Baptist

11. African Americans

12. Carpetbaggers

13. Scalawags

14. Ku Klux Klan

15. Liberal Republicans

16. Republicans

17. Samuel Tilden

18. Grant

19. 1876 Presidential Election

20. Compromise of 1877

21. Reconstruction

22. Andrew Johnson

23. Fifteenth Amendment

24. Susan B. Anthony

25. Horace Greeley

26. Pinckney Pinchback

27. Hiram Revels

28. Edwin M. Stanton

29. Charles Sumner

A. Most Popular Religious Denomination Among Blacks

This was the most popular religious denomination among blacks in the postwar South

B. Group Opposed Grant

This group opposed Grant

C. Fifteenth Amendment Modification

Asked that the fifteenth amendment be modified to include women

D. 1876 Presidential Election

When the votes were first counted in this no candidate had an electoral college majority

E. African Americans in Reconstruction

During Reconstruction, this segment of the population attempted to establish schools

F. Protection Against Ku Klux Klan

In response to the Ku Klux Klan he tried to protect blacks

G. Secretary of War Under Johnson

Was secretary of war under Johnson until 1868

H. End of Reconstruction

After this ended, the protection of black civil rights crumbled under the pressure of restored white rule and unfavorable Supreme Court decisions

I. Union Veterans

They were Union veterans

J. Purpose of Union League

The main purpose of this was to organize groups of Republicans in the South

K. Leading Radical Republican

Was a senator from Massachusetts and a leading Radical Republican

L. Military Reconstruction Act

This required new state constitutions in the South

M. Fifteenth Amendment Ratification

Mississippi, Texas, and Virginia ratified it before being readmitted to the Union, it forbade states to deny any person the vote on grounds of race, color or previous condition of servitude, Congress rescinded Georgia's readmission and insisted it ratify it before regaining readmission, and Kentucky did not ratify it

N. Proclamation of Amnesty

Johnson's this excluded everybody with taxable property worth more than $20,000

O. Wade-Davis Manifesto

This was written by Republicans to protest Lincoln's veto of the Wade-Davis Bill and accuse Lincoln of exceeding his constitutional authority

P. First Black Senator

He was a black Mississippi native elected to the Senate

Q. Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan

Under his plan for Reconstruction 10 percent of the 1860 voters had to take an oath of allegiance to the Union

R. Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

The House of Representatives wanted to impeach him, but Senate failed to do so by 1 vote

S. Northern Black Lieutenant Governor

Was a northern free black and Union soldier who was elected lieutenant governor of Louisiana

T. Republican Loss of Control

They lost control in the South because of electoral fraud, white supremacist violence, the Panic of 1873 and the growing weakness of Grant's administration

U. 1876 Democratic Candidate

The Democratic presidential candidate in 1876

V. End of Reconstruction

This ended Reconstruction

W. Freedmen's Bureau

This negotiated labor contracts, provided medical care, set up schools, and distributed food and was the first federal experiment in providing assistance directly to the people rather than to states

X. Lincoln's Assassin

This man, Lincoln's assassin was a pro-Confederate actor

Y. Grant's Opponent

Opposed Grant in 1872 presidential election

Z. Ku Klux Klan's Objective

They understood that the right of ex-slaves to vote was essential to maintaining Republican control of the federal government

AA. Tenure of Office Act Violation

Johnson violated this when he tried to remove one of his cabinet members without Senate permission

BB. Scalawags

Most of these were white southerners who had opposed secession

CC. Failed Assassination Attempt

His would-be assassin got cold feet and wound up tipsy in the hotel bar

DD. Grant's Leadership Acknowledgment

He did not seek a third term in 1876 because he acknowledged that many Republicans had lost confidence in his leadership

EE. Ku Klux Klan's Objective

The primary objective of this group was to oppress blacks and white Republicans

FF. Popular Vote Winner

He won the popular vote in 1876 but lost the presidency

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