Recognize Medical Terms in Chinese and Their Pinyin Translations
Classified in Biology
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Recognize the following words and give Pinyin for them:
- 住院 zhùyuàn
- 学期 xuéqī
- 专业 zhuānyè
- 基础 jīchǔ
- 时间 shíjiān
- 要求 yāoqiú
Make up sentences with the given words:
- 这学期你们开了几门课?我想去医院看朋友。
- 窗户上挂着一个牌子。在病历里夹着吗?什么时候可以出院?
- 我昨天晚上一点才睡觉。学校下个星期六开运动会。我们留学生可以参加吗?
Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks:
- 你的解剖实验报告写完了吗?
- 星期一我已经把请假条交给老师了。
- 还是不能确定是肺癌还是肺结核。
- 这是一部关于中国历史的电影。
- 上星期卡瓦不是来借过你的词典吗?
Common rescue drugs for allergic shock:
- Immediately subcutaneous injection of adrenaline
- Corticosteroids or antihistamines in severe cases
Common pharmacokinetic characteristics of aminoglycoside antibiotics:
- Difficult to absorb orally
- Distributed in extracellular fluid
- Excreted through the kidneys
Classification of antiarrhythmic drugs and representative drugs:
- Class I: Sodium Channel Blockers
- Class II: Beta-Adrenergic Blockers
- Class III: Drugs that Prolong action potential
- Class IV: Calcium Channel Blockers
Mechanism of action and clinical application of Heparin:
- Activates antithrombin III, inactivates coagulation factors
- Used in thromboembolic diseases, myocardial infarction
Characteristics of cardiac glycoside in enhancing myocardial contractility:
- Accelerates shortening speed of myocardial fibers
- Increases cardiac output in CHF patients
Adverse reactions of glucocorticoids:
- Iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome
- Increased susceptibility to infections
- Cardiovascular effects, osteoporosis, CNS effects