Quality Management Systems: ISO 9000 & After-Sales Service

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Quality Management Systems and After-Sales Service

A Quality Management System (QMS) is a management system for a customer-focused organization that involves all employees in a continuous process of improvement. It integrates quality into all activities of the company. It is necessary to set up quality standards, procedures, and work practices. The goal is to maintain a competitive advantage, to evaluate a company's performance, and to achieve business excellence.

The international standard that reflects a quality management system is the ISO 9000 Certification. Every company that has passed the quality audit and is registered for ISO 9000 gets a certificate. This certificate guarantees a quality standard and it transmits confidence in the products and services offered by the companies that use them. The idea is to create quality awareness in all processes within the company.

Quality in After-Sales Service

In after-sales service, quality has two components:

  • Internal quality: The technical and operational aspects of the product.
  • External quality: Assessment by the customers of the after-sales service.

Therefore, the perception of quality is the difference between customer expectations and what is obtained.

Managing Quality in After-Sales Service

To manage quality in the after-sales service department, these are the actions that are carried out:

1. Planning

  • Define the characteristics of the after-sales service, e.g., response time of repairs and handling of complaints, deadline for works of installations, etc.
  • Define indicators to assess performance and levels to be attained in each service to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the after-sales service.
  • Define and design the process for the performance of each service (document it).
  • Define the resources, materials, and facilities needed.
  • Define the organizational structure: specify the responsibilities and functions of each worker.

2. Implementation

Carry out everything planned:

  • Train staff.
  • Acquire the necessary resources.
  • Implement the designed procedures.
  • Use documents and records for each service.

3. Control

Control the process and the result:

  • Measure the actual performance.
  • Compare the actual performance with that planned.
  • Act accordingly: Assess and, if necessary, correct and prevent to avoid deviations.

4. Improvement

After reaching the planned levels, set more ambitious goals. The new goals will mean redefining requirements, resources, the organizational structure of the after-sales service, and training.

Techniques and Tools for Quality Management

1. Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a technique to analyze business problems, aimed at developing creativity and finding innovative solutions. A group of between five and eight people brings multiple ideas spontaneously. Ideas are written down, combined to be improved, and then they are valued. It's valuable for finding new and innovative solutions to a variety of problems.

2. Value Analysis

Value analysis is used to design or redesign a product or service at minimum cost so that it maintains its competitive edge. The aim is to reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction. It analyzes the elements of a product or service and the functions it performs. The workgroup then develops alternative designs, they value costs, and then they select one of the alternatives.

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