Qin Dynasty: Unification of China and Legacy

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Qin Wangzheng was born in 259 BC, and it was the last year of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. The Spring and Autumn Warring States began in 770 BC when Ping Wang moved to Luojing, ending in 221 BC before Qin Wang won the political unification of China, which lasted nearly 500 years.

The Qin dynasty is from 221 B.C to 206 B.C, the first emperor is Qin Shi Huang. The dynasty was short-lived. Qin Shihuang’s unification of China has done a lot of unprecedented achievements. There are few things which contribute to the future dynasty. First is he unify the text, making it the foundation of a nation and extending it to this day. Second the country was abolished, and the county was established. It became the standard model for post-unification management in China. It lasted for thousands of years. Third, he unifies the currency and the measurement of weights and length. Also, he has unified the same length of cars and road, built new roads to make transport more convenient. Fourth, Burning books and burying the Confucianism unifies the mind. Avoiding the division of the country due to historical problems. Fifth, In 221BCE, The Great Wall was built to make it a natural boundary between the agricultural and nomadic peoples. The Great Wall has been a national border for a long time.

In Shang dynasty, people start using logographic writing, which set a stage to unify the text in Qin dynasty. In Zhou dynasty , Book and song and Confucius are important. The book of song is the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry. He taught social teaching and political teachings. However, by the time of the Shang Dynasty, China had developed into a world power of millions of square kilometers. Many tribes in the surrounding area were also included in the Chinese civilization system. The Zhou Dynasty, which later ruined the Shang Dynasty, was originally a party that surrendered to it. Therefore, the Shang Dynasty can be said to have laid a preliminary good foundation for the unification of China.

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