Protecting Your Digital Identity and Backing Up Your Data

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Protecting Your Digital Identity

Person’s digital identity: Is all information that you can find about a person on the internet, written by itself or other people. It is important because if you are looking for a job, everyone can see it and you have to be aware.

Best Way to Back Up Your Information

Best way to do a backup of your information: First and foremost, you need to back up your personal files. You can always reinstall your operating system and redownload your programs if your hard drive fails, but your own personal data is irreplaceable. Any personal documents, photos, home videos, and any other data on your computer should be backed up regularly. Those can never be replaced. Your operating system, programs, and other settings can also be backed up, but not that necessarily.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing: Cloud computing is a type of computing that relies on shared computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications.

  • Advantages: Cost efficiency, high speed, excellent accessibility, backup and restore data…
  • Disadvantages: Vulnerability to attacks, network connectivity dependency, downtime
  • Apps: Online File storage, photo editing software, digital video software.

Differentiating Standard Format and Private Format of a File

Differentiating standard format of a file and a private: In the standard format, we can open with every app, but when we have a private one we can only open it with the program that we are using to edit that file, image, video… For example, with the images, if we are editing something with photoshop, we save that with the extension of photoshop (PSD) to continue editing that image when we want. That is a private format. When we finish editing that image, instead of saving with the extension of photoshop we save it with a standard format, JPG for example, to be able to open it with almost every app. With the videos is the same: for movie maker, wmv, private format. Then, mp4, standard format.

Types of Malware by Email

Types of malware by email: hoax, spam, scam.

Hoax: false chains, idea is to public false news. Resend a lot of emails with fake news.

Spam: email that it send to a lot of people that is useless, that you don't want to receive, but you receive it.

Scam: is normally a fraud trying to get money.

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