"my prosthesis" skirt

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comparacion de dos personas : hello mu name is alba , my two area marta and rocio  . Marta´s style is a littel snop and casual , she often wears jeans , smart shoes , she always uses expensive brands . At  the parties she is usually very confident . I met at the nigh school at the third level , when i met her , she wore some blue trousers , a whilw skirt and boots . Rocio´s style is a sponty she wears very well , for example she sometines buys a dress .  when i met her summer , she wore shorts , t-shirt and trainers . In addiction , she had a racket and cap, her favorite brand is  addidas . In conclusion , I prefer the style os rocio , because it is more confortable , formal and colourful , but i like the style os marta too because she wears very smart and glamorous.  Entrevista de trabajo carta :dear madam rocio : I am  writing apply for a job in your company . My name is albalirio mosquera , i am 17 years old . I stady at high school juan de lucena . I would like tobe a polition because , i think that spain will be better . At the moment I don´t work but i have a lot of skills .For example i am good at english and french . I know how the computer . Moreover , i am used interesting in the life of spam people . Furunermore i like waking in a team for example , i think that each person has good ideas so the job is better . In addiction , i am hahinking , patient and a polite person . I would like to be very frateful it you could send me an information pack , i am endosing my CV , i look forward he aring from you .  descriccion de un famoso :  Venus ebone williams price was born on tune 17 , 1980 in lywood  i california , USA , she in on American professional tennis player . It the older sister os another very famous tennis player , serena williams , who have between them eight olympic medals . She ´s very strong  , and very high . She has arms and legs very strong and she´s very agile and fast too.  Venus early became in one of the best young players in california , and with her sister serena , they were the best young players in california for long periods. Venus became a profesional player os tennis in the 1990 and had a very productive  carrer. Venus won 48 WTA singles tournaments , of whitc highights seven grand slam , WTA tour championships and nine tier 1 . In doubles won 13 grand slam titles and two WTA tier 1 , all of them with  serena . He also won four gold medals at the olympios  .   tecnologia moderna : modern technology has its advantages and disadvantages, firstly the advantages of modern technology is that it is a step forward for humanity and the world could contact people who are far away through a computer or phone, so you do not lose contact with your loved ones, second modern technology over the years has developed the design of phones and computers  , in my opinion the modern technology is very good for the world and for society also is very good for the work. The disadvantages of modern technology are also many older people as the grandfathers and grandmothers and also our parents hard them time to understand the technology for them is very difficult, so they young people ask for help to us 

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