The Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Surgery

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Nowadays, most people share the view that cosmetic surgery is not only about appearance, but also there are people who do it for health reasons. Cosmetic surgery is a big step, and first, you have to know its pros and cons.

Pros of Cosmetic Surgery

To begin with, plastic surgery makes it possible to recover the lives of some people who have suffered burns, traumas, or accidents. As well, it helps improve the self-esteem of those who suffer from physical complexes.

Cons of Cosmetic Surgery

On the other hand, cosmetic surgery has disadvantages like the addiction it causes when people see that they can change their appearance effortlessly, and they begin to change their face and body completely. Another disadvantage is cosmetic surgery carried out in illegal centers by uncertified and unqualified doctors.


Taking everything into account, I strongly believe that people should be well-informed about the center where the operation is to be carried out and collect opinions from people who have undergone it.


acceptance (n) aceptación
accessories (n) accesorios
ankle-length (adj) hasta el tobillo
apologize (v) disculparse
average-sized = de tamaño medio
be realistic about = ser realista sobre
be under attack from (exp) sufrir el ataque de
beautify (v) embellecer
beauty product (n) producto de belleza
beauty salon (n) salón de belleza
boom in (n) boom de
broad-shouldered (adj) ancho de espaldas
catwalk (n) pasarela
clean-shaven (adj) bien afeitado
collection (n) colección
cosmetic surgery (n) cirugía estética
cosmetics (n) cosméticos
criticize (v) criticar
curly-haired (adj) de pelo rizado
dark-haired (adj) de pelo oscuro
darken (v) oscurecer
designer (n) diseñador/diseñadora
fair-haired (adj) de pelo claro
fantasize (v) fantasear
fashion (n) moda
fashion show (n) desfile de moda
feel guilty about (v) sentirse culpable por
flatten (v) aplanar, alisar
hairstyle (n) peinado
heavily-built (adj) corpulento
horrify (v) horrorizar
justify (v) justificar
label (n) marca
lengthen (v) alargar
light-skinned (adj) de piel clara
look (n) estilo
magnify (v) agrandar
make-up (n) maquillaje
manicure (n) manicura
model (n) modelo
modernize (v) modernizar
natural-looking (adj) de aspecto natural
necessary for (adj) necesario para
normal-sized (adj) de tamaño medio
pedicure (n) pedicura
piercing (n) piercing
preoccupation (n) preocupación
prioritize (v) priorizar
purify (v) purificar
resonate with (v) tener un eco (de)
scruffy-looking (adj) de aspecto descuidado
sharpen (v) afilar
shorten (v) acortar
simplify (v) simplificar
smarten (v) hacer más elegante
smartly-dressed (adj) vestido de forma elegante
specialize (v) especializarse
strengthen (v) reforzar
style (n) estilo
tattoo (n) tatuaje
sympathize (v) comprender, sentir compasión
trend (n) moda, tendencia
weaken (v) debilitar
well-dressed (adj) bien vestido

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