Privacy Protection and Data Security in the Digital Age

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Privacy Protection

The information society reveals vast amounts of personal data through networks. Consequently, numerous companies gain access to this data, including information about our tastes and hobbies. This information can be illegally sold to third parties, and sometimes legal vacuums exist.

Crimes Against Privacy

  • Logging onto another person's computer without permission.
  • Unauthorized data transfer interception.
  • Email address harvesting.
  • Electronic harassment.

European Legislation

"Data collection should be clear, legitimate, and never excessive in relation to its intended purpose."

  • Data must be accurate and up-to-date.
  • Data controllers should allow users to correct or remove their data.
  • Identifying data should not be kept longer than necessary.
  • All U.S. states have designated a central authority to monitor the implementation of these measures.

Social Engineering and Security

Social engineering involves actions to obtain confidential information from others without their awareness.


  • Calling data centers posing as a customer who lost their password.
  • Creating websites that ask for user passwords for competitions, etc.
  • Searching for paper data in the workplace.
  • Impersonating a company employee.

Prevention Strategies

  • Verify the authenticity of those seeking information.
  • Never open emails from unknown sources.
  • Analyze emails with antivirus software.
  • Never respond to requests for personal information.
  • Never discard important documents.


Phishing involves imitating a company's image to fraudulently obtain user data.

Data Security


Encryption prevents unauthorized access to information. It involves methods where the transmitter and receiver share a key to encrypt and decrypt messages.

Problem: Third-party interception. Sometimes the receiver is unknown, making it unsuitable for companies or individuals without a prior relationship.

Solution: A method based on two keys: one public and one private.

Tips for Creating a Strong Password

  • Be easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess.
  • Use at least eight characters.
  • Mix uppercase and lowercase letters, and numbers (avoid sequences like 1234).

What is a Digital Signature?

A digital signature is a cryptographic method that ensures the sender's identity.


  • Simple: Identifies the sender.
  • Advanced: Ensures the message has not been modified.
  • Recognized: Guaranteed by a digital certificate issued by a certification authority authorized by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism (FNMT in Spain).

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