The Power and Fall of the Crown of Castille and Aragon

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CREATION In the Crown of Castille, the kings had great power, much greater than the Cortes. They were a consultative body, approving new taxes but didn't have legislative power.

In the Crown of Aragon, the power of the kings was less than that of Castille because it was made up of different kingdoms and the Catalan counties. The Cortes had greater power than the Castilians and had legislative power, so they commented on and agreed with the kings on the new laws.

Pactism was the form of government that dominated the Crown of Aragon, especially in Catalonia, and was based on the balance of power between the king and the counties. The king obtained new income and gave privileges.

After the defeat of the Almohads in the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212), the Christian conquest advanced to the south quickly, and Muhammad had to retire in Granada and swear fidelity to the Castilian king.

The Kingdom of Granada had great prosperity in the Late Middle Ages thanks to intensive agriculture, urban crafts, and trade. Many internal problems and disputes in the society ended with the snatching of the castle of Zahara by the Granadans. The Catholic kings imprisoned Boabdil, the last king of the Kingdom of Granada. The battle between Granadans and Castilians began in 1491 and ended on January 2nd, 1492, when Boabdil delivered Granada to the Catholic kings. Thanks to this, Al-Andalus came to an end.

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