The Post-War World: US Hegemony, Japanese Miracle, and the Rise of the European Union

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The Hegemony of the USA

The USA had two main political parties: The Republican (centre-right) and The Democratic (centre-left).

Harry S. Truman and Dwight Eisenhower (1945-1960) established a severe anti-communist foreign policy by:

  • Creating a “blacklist” of communist sympathizers in the trade unions, among Hollywood actors, screenwriters, and directors.

John F. Kennedy became president (1961) and tensions eased. The civil rights movement emerged, advocating for equality of rights for the Black population. Its main leader was Martin Luther King.

The American economy grew significantly after the war. Transport and tourism, agriculture and industry, commerce and finance all contributed to the rise of powerful multinational companies that spread around the world.

The Evolution of Japan

When the war ended, Japan was occupied by the USA. America forced Japan to introduce:

  • A parliamentary monarchy
  • Democracy
  • Trade unions
  • Legal equality between men and women

In 1951, Japanese sovereignty was restored.

The Japanese economy, which had collapsed after the war, improved rapidly thanks to the help of the USA and its specialization in high-technology products.

The Japanese miracle was possible due to:

  • The high investment of the USA
  • The attitude of the Japanese people who accepted long working hours, low salaries, and short holidays

The Capitalist World: Western Europe (1945-1973)

Political and Economic Transformations

Countries in Western Europe adopted democratic political systems, except for the dictatorships of Spain, Portugal, and Greece until the 1970s.

The European economy, weak after the war, recovered quickly thanks to:

  • The Marshall Plan: This consisted of large donations and loans at very low interest rates.
  • The introduction of reforms in the monetary and financial systems, such as controlling inflation and nationalizing industries and services.

The Origins of the European Union

After World War II, there was a general consensus that rivalries between European countries had to end to avoid more wars.

  • Winston Churchill presented the idea of a “United States of Europe” that could compete with the USA and the USSR.
  • Robert Schuman, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, proposed a common market for coal and steel (the most important raw materials for the weapons industry).
  • Schuman stated that the intention was to “make war not only unthinkable, but materially impossible.”

This is considered the foundation of European integration. Europe Day is celebrated on 9 May to commemorate this day.

commemorate this day.

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