Polyatomic Ions, Naming Acids, Metric Conversions, Atomic Structure

Classified in Chemistry

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Polyatomic Ions

  • PO4-3 = Phosphate
  • NO3-1 = Nitrate
  • NO2-1 = Nitrite
  • CrO4-2 = Chromate
  • SO4-2 = Sulfate
  • CO3-2 = Carbonate
  • SO3-2 = Sulfite
  • MnO4-1 = Permanganate
  • HCO3-1 = Bicarbonate
  • CH3CO2-1 = Acetate
  • ClO4-1 = Perchlorate
  • ClO3-1 = Chlorate
  • OH-1 = Hydroxide
  • CN-1 = Cyanide
  • NH4+1 = Ammonium

Naming Mineral Acids

  • HF = Hydrofluoric Acid
  • HCl = Hydrochloric Acid
  • HBr = Hydrobromic Acid
  • HI = Hydroiodic Acid

Naming Oxacids

  • HNO2 = Nitrous Acid
  • H2SO3 = Sulfurous Acid


  • N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2

Metric Conversions

  • Giga^9
  • Mega^6
  • Kilo^3
  • Base = 1
  • Deci^-1
  • Centi^-2
  • Milli^-3
  • Micro^-6
  • Nano^-9
  • Pico^-12

Atomic Models

  • Bohr: Based on the assumption that electrons travel in specific shells around the nucleus. Did not work for systems with more than 1 electron.
  • Rutherford: Theorized that atoms have their positive charge in a small nucleus. (Gold foil experiment)
  • Thompson: Plum Pudding, discovered electron by cathode ray experiment.
  • Dalton: Everything is made of atoms and all atoms of different substances have different weights. Atoms cannot be created or destroyed.

Conversion Factors

  • 1 gal = 3785.0 ml
  • 1 gal = 4 qt
  • 1 qt = 32 fl oz
  • 1 fl = 28 ml
  • 1 ml = 1 cm3
  • 1 ml H2O = 1 g H2O (d: H2O = 1 g/cm3)
  • 1 lb = 453.59237 g
  • 1 kg = 2.2046 lb
  • 1 ton = 2000 lb
  • 1 in = 2.54 cm
  • 1 km = 0.62137 mi
  • x in3 --> y cm3 = x3 in3/y3 cm3
  • 1 cal raises 1 g H2O by 1°C
  • Cal or Kcal = 1000 cal
  • K = °C + 273.15
  • °C = (F - 32) / 1.8
  • F = 1.8(°C + 32)

Sig Figs

  • 613 = 3
  • 5004 = 4
  • 5.640 = 4
  • 0.052 = 2
  • 560 = 2


  • 7.939 + 6.26 + 11.1 = 25.299 --> 25.3
  • (27.2 * 15.63) / 1.846 = 3 sig
  • Protons = Atomic #
  • Neutrons = Mass - Atomic #
  • Electrons = Protons +/- charge
  • Steps for limiting reactant & dimensional analysis:
  1. Write equation/balance
  2. Identify limiting reactant by molecular weight
  3. Using limiting reactant, find yield of product in grams
  4. Set equation equal to the other reactant with grams and variable of non-limiting reactant to find remaining
  5. Use % yield equation


  • Ionic = Metal & Nonmetal
  • Covalent = Nonmetal & Nonmetal
  • Na2O = Sodium Oxide
  • Fe(NO3)3 = Iron (III) Nitrate
  • NH4Cl = Ammonium Chloride
  • C2H4 = Dicarbon Tetrahydrogen
  • CaSO46H2O = Calcium Sulfate Hexahydrate
  • H3PO4 = Phosphoric Acid
  • Lead (II) Nitrate = Pb(NO3)2
  • How Many Oxygen atoms are in 2.000 gal of acetic acid (d = 1.054 g/cm3)
  • How many hydrogen atoms are there in 3.00 ft3 of water (room temp)

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