The Passive with Reporting Verbs: Examples and Usage

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The Passive with Reporting Verbs

We can use passive reporting verbs in two ways:

1. Subject of the subordinate clause + verb in the main clause is the passive + to + infinitive of the verb in the subordinate clause.

The university is said to be one of the best in the country. (= Se dice que la universidad es una de las mejores del país.)

The exam is expected to be really difficult this year. (= Se espera que el examen sea más difícil este año.)

2. It + passive form of the reporting verb + that + subject + verb

It is believed that the class will be very popular. (= Se cree que la clase será muy popular.)

It's thought that boys prefer exams to coursework. (= Se cree que los chicos prefieren los exámenes al trabajo diario.)

Reporting Verbs:

  • accept
  • hope
  • say
  • believe
  • know
  • think
  • claim (afirmar)
  • predict
  • understand
  • expect
  • report (informar)
  • agree
  • suggest
  • consider
  • estimate

Conditional Sentences

First Conditional: For probable conditions

If + Simple Present, will/won't + infinitive

If it rains this evening, I will put on my new raincoat.

Second Conditional: For improbable or imaginary conditions

If + Simple Past, would(n't) + infinitive

If I could get the results, I would phone you.

I wouldn't tell him the truth if I were you.

Third Conditional: For past hypotheses

If + Past Perfect, Perfect Conditional (would(n't) + have + past participle)

If Lauren hadn't been ill, she would have come on the trip.

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