Outdoor Activities: Vocabulary and Definitions

Classified in Physical Education

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Rafting: The use of uber rafting travel with the current of a river, especially as a sport (the camp offered bicycle tours, river rafting).
Rock Climbing: The sport of climbing on rocks or in mountains (Chris has just taken up climbing).
Hiking: The activity of going for long walks in the countryside (we're going hiking in the Sierra Nevada).
Mountain Biking: The sport of riding bicycles over rough terrain (we went mountain biking on the rock trail).

Common Questions

  • What: ¿Qué cosa?
  • When: ¿Cuándo?
  • Who: ¿Quién persona?
  • Where: ¿Dónde?
  • Why: ¿Por qué?
  • How: ¿Cantidad?
  • Which: ¿Cuál?
  • Whose: ¿De quién pertenencia?

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