Nutrition: The Science of Food and Its Role in the Body

Classified in Biology

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Chapter 7 (Sections 1, 2, and 3)

Nutrition: The Science or Study of Food and the Ways in Which the Body Uses Food

Nutrients: Substances in Food that Provide Energy or Help Form Body Tissues and Are Necessary for Life and Growth

Carbohydrates: Class of Energy-Giving Nutrients that Includes Sugar, Starches, Fiber, and Glycogen

Fats: Class of Energy-Giving Nutrients and Are the Main Form in Which Energy Is Stored in the Body

Proteins: Class of Energy-Giving Nutrients Made Up of Amino Acids Which Are Needed to Build and Repair Body Structures and to Regulate Processes in the Body

Glycogen: Made in the Body Which Is Made of Many Glucose Units Linked Together Stored in the Muscle and Liver of Human and Animals Can Be Broken Down to Provide a Quick Source of Glucose

Fiber: Made of Many Glucose Units Linked Together Found in Fruits and Vegetables Cannot Be Digested by Human Needed for a Healthy Digestive System

Starch: Made of Many Glucose Units Linked Together Found in Food Like Potatoes, Beans, and Grain

Sugar: Simplest Form of Carbohydrates

Unsaturated Fats: Fats that Are Made Up of Unsaturated Fatty Acids

Saturated Fats: Fats that Are Made Up of Saturated Fatty Acids

Cholesterol: Another Type of Lipids Found in All Human and Animal Tissues

Fatty Acids: Are Long Chains of Carbon Atoms that Are Chemically Bonded to Each Other and Are Attached to Hydrogen Bonds

Essential Amino Acids: 9 Amino Acids that Can Be Made by the Body

Complete Proteins: Animal Proteins Such as Meat, Eggs, and Dairy Products Which Contains All 9 Essential Amino Acids

Incomplete Proteins: Most Plants Proteins, Found in Legumes, Grains and Vegetables, Have Smaller Amount of Essential Amino Acids than Your Body Needs

Legumes: Beans and Peas

Calories: Energy in Food

Metabolism: The Sum of the Chemical Process that Takes Place in Your Body to Keep You Alive and Active

Vitamins: A Class of Nutrients that Contains Carbon and Are Needed in Small Amount to Maintain Health and Allow Growth

Minerals: Class of Nutrients that Are Chemical Elements that Are Needed for Certain Body Processes Such as Enzyme Activity

Nutrient Deficiency: The State of Not Having Enough Nutrients to Maintain Good Health

RDA: Recommended Nutrients Intakes that Will Meet the Needs of Almost All Healthy People

Anemia: The Condition in Which There Are Not Enough Red Blood Cells or Hemoglobin to Carry Oxygen Around the Body

Osteoporosis: A Disorder in Which the Bones Become Brittle and Break Easily

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