Which months of the year represent summer and winter mediterranean _ region aereas example?

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All power are in the hands of a person. Had reached the goverment due to a revolution, so the great majority of the population can't participate in their own goverment. Government doesm't recognize human rights and only follows laws that he had created. Also exists False Democracies in which elections are manipulated or only one or two political parties are allowed.


Those states whose Head of State is a king or a queen.

-Constitutional Monarchy: monarchs participate in the government but his powers
are limited by a constitution.
- Parliamentarian Monarchy: monarchs are the Head of the State but the do nothing.


Those states in which the Head of the State is chosen democratically like the President.


-Secular State: there is a total separation between religion and the State. Citizens can believe in what they want and laws are not based in any doctrine.

-State Religion: there is an official religion with all the benefits.

-Teochratic State: there is an official religion, religious books are law and religious people had reached a great influence.


All the power in te hand of a person. Had reached the government due to a revolution. Government does not recognize human rights and only follows laws that he had created. Also exists False Democracies in which elections are manipulated or only one or
two political parties are allowed.


Those states whose Head of State is a king or a queen.

-Constitutional Monarchy: monarchs participate in the government but his powers are limited by a constitution.
- Parliamentarian Monarchy: monarchs are the Head of the State but the do nothing.


Are those states in which the Head of the State is chosen democratically like the President.

-Parliamentarian System: the Head of the State is chosen by the parliamentarians and is not the same person as the President.
- Presidentialist System: the Head of the State and the President are the same person.


-Secular State: there is a total separation between religion and the State.

-State Religion: there is an official religion with all the benefits.

-Teochratic State: there is an official religion, religious books are law and religious people had reached a great influence.


Is a private, citizen-based entity that serves somes humanitarian or social purpose.

Isn't part of the goverment, in theory independent from states and political parties.

NGOs are made up of copanies, research centres...Also be set up by citizens with a economic, social or cultural motive to work together in their own country or abroad.

They can be: humanitarian action, human rights, protect nature, condem place where these aren't respected, condem enviromental destruction.

Social movements are groups of individuals, NGOs, associations and unions committed to opposing aspects of globalisation and capitalsm.


A climograph is a visual representation of monthly average temperatures (through dotted
lines) and rainfall (through bars).
In this particular case, rainfall is not really high (307 mm) and its distribution along the
year is irregular, with its maximum at the end of Spring (April, May and June) and its
minimum in Summer (July and August). Due to the temperatures during Winter it is not
probable that those precipitations are as snowflakes. The total amount and its distribution
are typical from the continental climates
The annual average temperature is high (15oC) and the thermal amplitude is really wide
(19oC), as it is typical in zones that are distant from huge water masses. The Summer is
hot (the months are over 22oC) but the Winter is not really cold (that could be because it
is near to the Mediterranean Sea).
There are six dry months (the bar of rainfall is under the line of temperatures).

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