Modal Examples and Uses in English

Classified in English

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CAN - Ability

  • He can find any street in London.
  • You can take a taxi.
  • Can you take me to Victoria Station? - Request

BE ABLE TO - Ability

  • He is able to find any street in London.

CAN'T - Certainty that something is impossible

  • That story can't be true.

COULD - Ability

  • I could play tennis when I was younger.
  • Could you take me to Victoria Station? - Request
  • You could take a taxi - Suggestion

MAY - Possibility

  • It may be quicker to travel by train.
  • May I come in? - Formal request

MIGHT - Possibility

  • It might be quicker to travel by train.

MUST - Certainty that something is true

  • Look at the snow. It must be cold outside.
  • You must be back at 10 o'clock. - Obligation

HAVE TO - Obligation

  • You have to be back at 10 o'clock. - Obligation

NEED TO - Obligation

  • Do you need to study a lot? - Obligation

NEEDN'T - Lack of obligation

  • You needn't have a university degree.

MUSTN'T - Prohibition

  • You mustn't drive without a license.

DON'T HAVE TO - Lack of obligation

  • You don't have to call a taxi.

SHOULD - Opinion/Advice

  • You should drive more carefully.

OUGHT TO - Opinion/Advice

  • You ought to drive more carefully.

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