Midterm Answers: Memory Protection, Power-On Self Test, Command Information, and More

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Midterm Answers

1. What is the main element of the Address Unit that allows memory protection of one application program from others? ATT/DATT

2. Which program runs first when the computer’s power is turned on? POST

3. a) Write COMD.EXE command that would provide information about DIR command:

help dir

b) Write UNIX/Linux shell (sh, ksh or bash) command that would provide information/help about ls command:

man ls

4. What is the space reserved on the RTS when a function is called? stack frame

5. What is the name of UNIX/Linux keyboard file? stdin

6. How many passwords may be used to control access to the systems firmware? 2

7. a) Upon process creation, does complete process image exist in memory? yes

b) Upon process terminations, does complete process image remain in memory? no

8. a) What part of a given process pX image can other processes use? What part of the image is shareable and can be common to several processes? the code segment

b) What parts of the process image are not shareable and are unique for each process? the data segment & RTS

9. What are the two basic attributes of transparency? a) it exists b) you cannot see it as working

10. Can API library be dynamically linkable? yes

11. Give umask command that will have no SETUID, SETGID, STIVCKY and would have rw-rw-rw- on new created directories: umask 666

12. a) What is the name of the UNIX system logging daemon? syslogd

b) What is the name and location of the syslogd configuration file? syslogd.conf in /etc

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