Mexico's Political Landscape: Challenges and Concerns

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Mexico has voted for a change and got it. Andrés Manuel López Obrador won the elections by a wide margin and MORENA obtained the majority at the federal level in the chamber of deputies and senators. This practically leaves the country without counterweights, only with the judiciary as hope to exercise responsible opposition.

Although MORENA dominates the chamber of deputies, the presidency of the same indicates, according to the regulations, that the rotation of the board of directors must go in order according to the majorities, so this year it is up to the National Action Party. That has happened in recent years without fail, however, MORENA, with its overwhelming majority, intended that the current president of the Chamber of Deputies, Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, stay ahead and be re-elected one more year, something never seen before.

The above is a clear example of the dangers that exist when all power is granted to a single party, which is also the same party as the president. From the presidential chair, Andrés Manuel López Obrador has dedicated himself to attacking autonomous organizations such as INEGI, the CNDH, CONEVAL and even INE itself, which guaranteed that his election was clean.

Today, opposition parties can do little and nothing because of the way in which parliament is divided. Unfortunately MORENA, with a few alliances can fulfill any of its initiatives.

The president had the proposal during his campaign, to send the government secretariats around the country, for example, he wanted to send PEMEX to Campeche, the SEP to Puebla, among others. However, little has been said about this proposal since López assumed the presidency. That initially seemed a clear sign of federalism, but today it seems the opposite, because the government does not delegate any responsibility to the states today.

People are tired of corruption and with that speech the current president came to power, however, it is observed that the power groups with which he surrounds are practically the same as before, in addition, he has many profiles within his cabinet identified by corruption cases, such as Manuel Bartlett, Alfonso Romo, René Bejarano, among others.

In conclusion, there are critical moments in democracy today, in which a single power group concentrates power and is at the order of an individual (the president), there is nothing left but to organize civil society to be a necessary counterweight to the constant threats of turning democracy into an autocracy.

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