Mastering Negotiation and Decision-Making: Key Concepts

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Multiple Choice Questions on Negotiation

Item 11: Negotiation Fundamentals

To be able to give a negotiation process:

  • A) There must be more than two parties.

In negotiation, to resolve the conflict, use:

  • A) Dialogue and discussion.

When deciding where in negotiating a relationship of interdependence, we mean:

  • C) Results of the protagonist also have to do with the conduct of the other party.

According to the characteristics of the interaction, negotiation can be divided into:

  • B) Distributive and cooperative.

In negotiating through representatives:

  • C) Negotiators defend the interests of a wider group.

The motivations of the negotiators that most influence the process are:

Generally, more competitive negotiators act:

Materials that can regulate collective agreements without nature:

Item 12: Stages and Strategies of Negotiation

Order from the standpoint of temporal stages of negotiation:

  1. Preparation and planning
  2. Antagonism
  3. Acceptance of the common frame
  4. Presentation of alternatives
  5. Closure

In the phase of antagonism:

  • A) Set limits and goals of the negotiation.

Negotiation strategies concern:

  • C) The basic and broad guidelines for negotiators.

The strategy of rivalry:

  • C) Seek to persuade the other party to accept an alternative that promotes self-interest.

The solving strategy is highly recommended:

  • B) When there are relatively common and complementary interests.

Negotiating tactics are divided into:

  • B) Cooperative and competitive.

Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

Item 13: Problem Analysis and Decision-Making

Which of the following statements is not one of the steps in the analysis stage of a problem?:

  • C) Acceptance of the problem.

To correctly define a problem is needed:

  • D) All three are correct.

Within the process of decision in a period of searching and evaluating alternatives:

  • A) The alternatives represent possible ways to achieve the objectives.

For the best alternative means:

  • B) The alternative that helps achieve results in terms of objectives, the value system adopted, and the means with which.

Indicate which of these statements is true:

  • A) Programmed decisions are usually taken to solve well-structured problems.

Which of the following statements is an advantage of group decisions:

  • B) Provide more information.

One argument in favor of decentralization is:

  • A) The best performance from people when decisions are not imposed on them from above.

Item 14: Decision-Making Techniques

The SWOT technique:

  • C) Is applied to evaluate alternatives and analyze their feasibility.

Technique as in the sequence:

  • C) Is used exclusively to analyze the impact the implementation of each alternative will have in the different areas of the company.

Technique because in the sequence:

  • B) Is used to analyze the causes of the problems.

The nominal group technique:

  • B) Combines individual work with the group.

Indicate which of the following techniques helps foster creativity:

  • A) Brainstorming.

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