Mastering English Vocabulary: Relationships, Travel, Health, Work, and Shopping
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Relationships Vocabulary
Common Phrases and Terms
Item 4:
- Afraid of - afraid to
- Break up - split
- Common interests
- Common interests - couple - date - event
- Pair
- Fall in love with - love - to feel comfortable with
- Being comfortable
- Fond of - love
- To get on (your) nerves - make your hair stand on end
- Have a sense of humor - sense of humor
- Jealous of - envious
- Keep in touch - being in contact
- Lose friends - friends lose patience
- Lose patience
- Loyalty - loyalty
- Make friends - make friends
- Pleased for - happy - happy with
- Proud
- Proud of - relative - relative sense of humor
- Share common interests - share the same background - similar origin
- Interests like
- Sorry about - worth
- Treat - trust - trust
- Deal
Travel Vocabulary
Essential Words for Travelers
Item 5:
- Airfare - airfare
- Boring - boring
- Camping trip - to go on a camping trip
- Crowded - crowded
- Cruise - cruise
- Departure - exit
- Do volunteer work - volunteer work
- Fulfill the dream of a lifetime - the dream of your life
- Fun - fun
- To get away from it all - away from it all
- Guidebook - guide (book)
- Guided tour - impressive tourist route
- Impressive
- Isolate - isolating
- Landmark - lively monument
- Look for adventure - looking for adventure
- Meet the locals - known to the locals
- Noisy - noisy
- Package holiday - package tour
- Quiet, peaceful holiday resort - a resort vacation
- Seat belt - belt
- See historical places - see historical sites
- Service charge - service charges
- Take it easy - take it easy
- Take on a personal challenge - to accept
- Traveler's checks - traveler's checks
- Trek - issue
- Underdeveloped - underdeveloped
- Unspoiled - virgin
Health and Diet
Key Terms for a Healthy Lifestyle
Item 1:
- Appetite - appetite
- Balanced diet - balanced diet
- Balanced meal - balanced meal
- Catch a cold - catch a cold
- Comfort - comfort
- Diet - diet
- Exhaust - exhaust
- Fat - fat
- Gain weight - fat
- Healthy - healthy
- Light meal - light meal
- Lose (your) appetite - lose appetite
- Lose weight - slimming
- Nutritious - nutritional
- Poor appetite - frail
- Quick recovery - quick recovery
- Recover - recover
- Strength - force
- Watch (your) weight - weight monitor
- Weight - weight
Work and Employment
Important Vocabulary for the Workplace
Item 2:
- Apply for
- Ambitious
- Help request
- Assistance program
- Be fired
- Be hired
- Unemployed
- Be calm - quiet
- Challenging company - stimulating company
- Courageous - valiant
- Employee - employer
- Employment
- Employment - friendly - helpful - friendly organisms
- Organized
- Overtime
- Patient
- Responsible
- Retirement
- Withdrawal
Shopping and Consumer Vocabulary
Words to Help You Shop Smart
Item 3:
- Afford - allowed
- Bargain - bargain
- Brand name - brand
- Brand new - brand new
- Budget - budget
- Check out - watch or pay and go (hotel)
- Consumer - consumer
- Debt - debt
- Discount - discount
- Imitation - imitation
- Pay off - worth
- Pick up - pick up, fetch
- Purchase - buy
- Scam
- Rip-off - second hand
- Shop around - compare prices
- Special offer - special offer
- Take back - back
- Try on - tested