Marine Mammals: Adaptations, Behavior, and Characteristics

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Marine Mammals: Adaptations, Behavior, and Characteristics

  • A group of - Pod
  • A whale called a(n) ______ - right whale
  • Adaptations for deep diving - large amount of cholesterol
  • Adaptations for deep diving - sonar for detecting the depth
  • All marine mammals: - are intelligent compared to other marine animals
  • All characteristics marine mammals EXCEPT: - gills
  • All members suborder Mysticeti EXCEPT: - gray whale
  • All members suborder Odontoceti EXCEPT: - gray whales
  • All major points article Where Have Steller's Sea Lions Gone except: - Steller's sea lions decimated the salmon Alaska
  • Ambergris comes from ______. - sperm whale
  • Baleen plates composed of: - keratin
  • Breaching name given activity of whales: - jump out of the water
  • Bubble nets produced by: - humpback whales
  • Fin whales feed mostly on: - krill
  • In eared seals, the main propulsive force - forelimbs
  • It is believed that cetaceans evolved from: - a terrestrial mammal
  • Known ability to dive deep, the ____ has set 1530 cm - northern elephant seal
  • Male animals that mate with and control more time are called: - polygynous
  • Manatees and dugongs - Sirenia
  • Manatees are found mostly in: - tropical estuaries
  • Manatees feed mostly on: - aquatic plants
  • Marine mammals, b/c of energy demands expend about ______ times as other organisms - 10
  • Most pinnipeds mate: - annually
  • Myoglobin is a protein found - stores oxygen
  • One of the most favored food items - giant squid
  • Pinniped means - feather footed
  • Pinnipeds molt - on shore
  • Sea lions and seals suborder: - Pinnipedia
  • Sea otters are protected - thick fur
  • Sea otters consume nearly ____% of their body weight - 25
  • Spy hopping behavior - observing objects other than whales on the surface
  • Spy hopping is a term given to whales - partially get their body out of the water
  • Tail cocking behavior to be for - aggression
  • The ____ feeds on penguins - leopard seal
  • The absence of sweat glands - conserving water
  • The baleen whale which carries - gray whale
  • The deepest diving pinnipeds are the: - elephant seals
  • The entertaining seals of marine - sea lions
  • The following differences between manatees and dugongs except: - manatees' forelimbs form flippers, dugongs' do not
  • The following similarities between sirenians and whales except: - diet of macrophytes
  • The food of most baleen whales - plankton
  • The greatest threat Florida manatees - being mauled or killed by boats
  • The largest of all the whales is the: - blue whale
  • The leopard seal's primary predator is called the: - killer whale
  • The melon of dolphins is used for: - focusing sound pulses
  • The milk of cetaceans is rich in: - fat
  • The only cetaceans known to feed on warm-blooded - killer whales
  • The only population of humpback whales that is showing recovery - North Atlantic population
  • The Otariidae characteristics include: - both external ears and swimming with forelimbs
  • The sirenians - are completely aquatic
  • The structure used to amplify is a(n): - inflated proboscis
  • Those marine mammals most adapted to - cetaceans
  • Through evolution, the hind limbs of cetaceans - non-existent
  • To reduce drag whales - external ears
  • True seals characteristics include: - both lack of external ear & swimming with hind limbs
  • Whales, dolphins, and porpoises all belong - cetacea
  • Which of the following species is endangered? - Steller's sea lion
  • Which pinniped hind limbs to walk on land? - Steller's sea lion
  • Which whale is NOT a rorqual? - right whale

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