Below a low level inversion visibility is often
Classified in Physics
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Tides are the periodic rising and falling of sea levels due to the gravitational pull of the Moon.
When the sea level falls, low tides are created. They occur on the other two opposing sides.
It has two characteristic movements, revolution and rotation, the same as other celestial bodies.
Its revolution around the Earth takes 27.32 Earth days. This is the same time it takes the Moon to rotate on its own axis. So, a lunar day is the same length as a lunar year. For this reason, the side of the Moon we see from Earth is always the same.
The Moon has an average radius of 1738 Km.
Each year the Moon moves away from our planet by almost 4 cm, so in the end the Earth’s force of gravity doesn´t affect the Moon.
The Moon does not produce its own light, it only reflects the light from the Sun.When the Moon, Earth and Sun are aligned, high and low tides are stronger, very low and very high. These are spring tides.
In contrast, when the Moon and the Sun form a 90⁰ angle with respect to the Earth, the Sun counteracts the Moon’s gravitational pull. The tides are weaker. These are neap tides.